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STEP #2 Customize Order: Thank you for your order of The 30-Day Virgo Man Love Challenge! You made the right investment in your relationship! The product details will be sent to you via email within 5 minutes. But before continuing to the download page, I’d like to reward your trust & present you with a special opportunity you may like to add to your order now. Take a look below and see if this is right for you.

How To Get Complete Clarity & Valuable Insights With My 100% Personal Guidance To You

Hello my dear,

Thank you for signing up for The Challenge! 

It will prove extremely valuable to your relationship as long as you put the daily challenges into action (and you should!)

I’d also like to thank you for trusting me in your search for insights & guidance... your support means a lot to me, and I LOVE to help any way I can.

In fact — I’d love to guide you in an even more profound way.

This is why I have a special offer for you today… my “VIP Consultation” package!

I don’t usually offer this service as I’m normally overbooked already — but if you are seeing this page, it means I am currently accepting new clients for personal guidance and you can get your spot here today — plus, at a special one-time price.

But first — let me explain what’s special about becoming my VIP.

First, my “VIP Consultation” is the absolute BEST way for you to get laser-accurate, personal guidance from me… as I look directly into your specific relationship situation.

Each relationship is 100% unique — and so is yours. That’s why the surest way for you to improve your relationship is to discover more about your unique situation, from all aspects.

Is This Right For You?


  • If he’s acting hot and cold, sending mixed signals or refusing to commit…
  • If he seemed interested at first, only to suddenly pull away (for no obvious reason),
  • If you are in love with him, but don’t yet fully understand him or how his mind works,
  • If you want to be sure he is serious and know if you can really trust him,
  • If you’re wondering if there is a way to win his love back… and even restart your relationship… despite recent challenges or mistakes that pushed him away
  • If there was a strong connection and chemistry, only for things to become more complicated than they had to
  • If you want to create a real relationship of love and passion, bring him closer and win him over completely - but are not yet sure how to do this in your specific situation,
  • Or if you’re in a relatively new relationship and don’t want to make a mistake that might push him away
  • If you’re wondering how you can communicate and connect on a deeper level and finally move things forward, but are unsure about the best way to approach him?
  • If you have trouble ‘reading’ a man sometimes seems like a ‘brick wall’
  • If you want to discover what he really wants when he will be ready to open up about his feelings…
  • And if you want him to him to see you as ‘The One’ for him… but without appearing needy or pushing him away

… then my “VIP Consultation” may be the very best investment you’ll ever make in your relationship.

Because even good relationships go stale without a deep understanding of each other’s language and disregard of his unique personality.

When I do a personal consultation for you, I provide careful, accurate guidance… that gives you immediate clarity about your relationship and what to do next.

I sometimes view myself as a kind of Astrological love doctor. And I’m quite happy knowing that I always have a ‘cure’ that isn’t only effective… but works almost INSTANTLY.

I consult the stars and thus help my clients relax, understand, and gain control.

I give them a bit (and often more) clarity about their situation... I listen to them. I talk to them... Then I point them in the right direction.

To this day I am still amazed how well Astrology works.

Check out some of the feedback I receive every day:

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for answers. For starters: I am so amazed at how the stars got my boyfriend so correct in every sentence you wrote. Thank you for explaining our relationship dynamic. You spoke about me in angles I’ve never looked at and I want to meditate on them longer to be more aware of my actions. You are truly a gifted person and I am very grateful for your honesty and direction. I appreciate it immensely. You are blessed with an amazing gift. I thank God I found you.” – Angela, 36, Taurus

“Thank you so much, Anna! I've just been enthralled by what you sent me since I received it. It's given me so much hope for the future.” – Gabriela, 41, Libra

“Thank you Anna, I really appreciate your insight and analysis. I wish I had reached out to you sooner.”  Amber, 28, Scorpio

“Thank you so very much. I appreciate your insight and talent. This helps a great deal.” – Laura, 29, Gemini

“Thank you so much!! This actually makes sense. Thank you again though for your help and insight. It means a lot.” – Julia, 42, Aries

“I read and reread your findings and gain more insight each time.”  Maria, 52, Pisces

Because I know where to look for the correct answers and how to interpret each situation, however complex - there’s always an answer waiting in the sky for you.

And that is why I absolutely love doing this. And I know how valuable this kind of guidance is when you are confused or not sure what do to.

It is a gift I have acquired over 15 years of practicing & studying Astrology… sharing it is my calling and duty.

But I am determined to only help those who are ready & open to being guided to a better place in their life.

If you are, I will gladly open a spot for you in my “VIP” express-line… and guarantee you my honest, and full help based on any challenge you currently face in love.

How to book my “VIP” consultation?

On the next page, you’ll fill out a simple questionnaire with your own and your man’s birth information (date, time, and place of birth — if you have it, if not, we’ll work around it.)

Then I’ll have all the information I need to guide you through any challenges or desires you have.

I am happy to show you the way, and I am absolutely confident and able to do so. And I guarantee you my response (within 7 days or less) & complete attention if you show me you are serious about this, too.

This is how my “VIP consultation” works…

I will use the information you give me on the next page… to cast, review and interpret your (and your man’s) chart… I will carefully consider your situation, and email you back with my personal guidance, within the next 7 days upon your payment.

And here’s the good news...

This is the absolute best guidance I can provide you with, but without the regular $250 pricetag I normally charge for full readings.

Frankly speaking, you most often do not really need a full reading… what you want and need is clarity, guidance, and an answer to your biggest challenges.

And because you are already my client, today I am happy to provide you with a very special opportunity.

Instead of charging $250, 150, or even $100… if you would like to become my VIP today and get complete clarity & personal guidance from me, it will be just a one-time investment of $59.95

This is a special client-only offer I provide for you as my existing book client.

Please note: you will not see this special offer again!

If this sounds like a good deal… simply click the “Add To My Order” button below to add this to your original purchase. 

On the next page, you will fill out a short survey/questionnaire so that I can get started on your reading asap, and you can expect to hear back from me within 7 days (possibly sooner) with insight on your situation.

You Pay Only $59.95

NOTE: This “VIP Consultation” offer will be delivered to you via email within 7 days once you fill out the form/questionnaire on the following page. It comes at just a one-time additional charge of $59.95. Click “Add To My Order” to automatically take advantage of this special opportunity.

Once you complete confirm your order, I’ll give you immediate access to my ‘VIP’ email address where you can get in touch with me directly.

On the following page you will fill out a short survey/application form with the information I need to personally guide you. 

I will also email you from this address after studying your charts & your unique situation.

If you feel that this is not yet for you, that is also okay… and I would still love to remain in touch with you through my newsletter and books.

My ‘Crazy’ 100% Satisfaction Guarantee: Nobody else does this. But here’s what I have for you… I am so confident that I am able to provide you with accurate, meaningful and valuable guidance… that I’m happy to guarantee your satisfaction. In the unlikely event that you are not entirely happy with the quality of my guidance, simply email me within 60 days of your order, and I’ll return every penny. It’s that simple.

Sending you love,

your friend & Relationship Astrologer,


“What you do to help people is amazing. Thank you. I never put too much stock in astrology because the usual description of me is so far off the mark for me- but after reading a few things on Him and realizing it fit him to a T, I decided it was time to look more deeply into it. Your book is an amazingly valuable resource.”

Kyra, 45, Aquarius


“Thank you so much for inspiring books! Read them several times. My (potential) scorpio man is amazing... we have connected on such a deep, soul level, but the timing is awkward, difficult. I wanted to gain some insight, largely to know if I should keep going or distance myself. Your books have been really insightful. I only wish I'd read them sooner.”

Alex, 33, Sagittarius


“I recently dated a Scorpio and wanted more insight into this intriguing sign...The way our zodiac signs play a part in our mannerisms and personalities interests me, and understanding what actually makes a Scorpio man tick would be very helpful if I ever encounter another. I’d like to thank you for the incredible insight on the enigmatic Scorpio man. I’ve only recently discovered your guides and I was truly fascinated with your accuracy.”

Evangelina, 46, Scorpio


“You can have the relationship you want!”

Anna Kovach is known as the most sought after dating & relationships Astrologer and advisor to commitment-seeking women across the globe. Anna's guidance and astrological insights have helped countless women get the relationship they desire.

She is famous for saving 'failed' relationships, helping women secure their 'One' and showing seemingly incompatible couples “how to speak the same language.” 

She uses her gift and knowledge of Astrology & relationship psychology to help couples connect and gain an intense understanding of each other. All through the power of practical and accurate astrological advice that anyone can apply to their relationship — just without the hype, overcomplicated professional terminology or vague and confusing astro-speak.

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