Virgo Man Secrets Logo

A Special Opportunity For Women Seeking A Virgo Man’s Heart

Finally, A Guaranteed Way To Make A Virgo Man Chase, Love, And Obsess About You In Just 30 Days Or Less… Even If Your Sign’s Are “Polar Opposites”… Even If He’s Been Pulling Away Or Losing Interest… And Without Changing Who You Are!

Amazing “Cosmic Secrets” Make Virgo Chase, Love, And Worship You Like The Soulmate Of His Dreams In Less Than A Few Short Weeks

Imagine If You Had A Set Of “Cosmic Secrets” That Enchant Him Like Cupid’s Arrow… Making Him So Hypnotically In Love With You He’d Cross Halfway Around The World And Beg You To Be His One & Only Forever Woman…

Yes… Even If Your Signs And Love Languages Are Polar Opposites. And Even If He’s Been Pulling Away Or Not Giving You His Total Attention, Appreciation, And Devotion… These Cosmic Secrets Are PROVEN To Make Virgo OBSESSED.

Use Them Today And Your Relationship Will Never Be The Same Again… Learn To Speak Your Virgo Man’s Special Love Language … Read Him Like An Open Book… And You’ll Notice How He Is More Loving, Caring, And Romantic Than You Could Ever Imagine Or Wish For … Almost Overnight!

Any One Of These Secrets Has The Astonishing Power To Make Virgo Suddenly SEE & Realize — Crystal Clear — You Really Are “The One” Perfect Woman He Needs To Walk Down The Aisle…

Just Casually Whisper Any Of These PHRASES & Secrets Into His Ear… And You’ll Be SHOCKED How Quickly They TRANSFORM Your Love Into The Most Passionate And Fulfilling Romantic Relationship Of Your Life… 

I Know This May Sound Crazy, But It Works So Well I Personally Guarantee It… Or Your Money Back!

Dear Friend, this is Anna Kovach… 

I have been a professional Relationship Astrologer for over a decade.

In this time I have personally helped countless women like you have the relationship of their dreams, and I KNOW you can find true love, too!

Because if 240,533 women around the world, just like you, have already used these astrological secrets, then it can work for you too.

And in the next few minutes I’ll show you an incredible new way to make any Virgo man fall CRAZY in love with you… just by using a special set of “cosmic secrets” that trigger instant love and attraction within his mind, body, heart… and soul!

I’ve never released them before in this “Love Bible” version and that’s why I’m so excited to share them with you first.

These exact same Secrets have helped thousands of my private clients turn their Virgo men into the most loving, caring, charming and devoted partners… and all in a matter of just a few short weeks… sometimes in just a few days!

So many of you have flipped seemingly hopeless situations around by using a few of these magic, “remote-control” phrases & secrets on your Virgo man.

But before I tell you how to do so, let me ask you a few questions first…

  • Does your Virgo man ever act HOT and COLD, sends mixed signals or simply refuses to commit?
  • What if he seemed really interested at first, only to suddenly pull away and act confusing… just when things were finally getting serious between you… and for no obvious reason?
  • Are you really interested in him… but have trouble catching and keeping his attention?
  • Or are you in love with him but not receiving the same kind of love back in return?
  • Do you feel like you often misunderstand each other or mis-communicate and thus fail to connect on a deeper level?

If you answered “Yes” to any of the above, then you’ll want to listen carefully to what I’m about to say.

There is no reason to struggle in your relationship any more. Starting today… you can experience more love, more romance, and more intimacy than ever before.

THIS like a lightbulb switches on in his head… realizing what a perfect match you really are and how much he suddenly craves, wants, and needs you in his life. Right now.

So much so he can’t imagine another day without you!

I know this may sound ‘too good to be true’, but bear with me…

Because if you’re a woman who’s dating one of those ‘complicated’ Virgo men that is acting hot & cold or isn’t giving you the kind of love and attention you deserve…

Then this message is probably the most important one you’ll ever read.

What I’m about to reveal below, won’t find anything like this anywhere else online.

This one solution can add years to your relationship and you will know exactly how to keep Virgo hooked, interested, and inspired for the long term.

You will always be several steps ahead in your relationship.

Virgo will quickly notice how any tension or doubt in your love quietly disappears… as a new feeling of “where can we go together” enters his heart.

See him thinking and talking about the future with you...

See him enjoying each day with you when he feels connected, loved and appreciated as you sync together – even when you disagree, you find common ground faster and easier than before.

Here’s my guaranteed promise to you: put these secrets into action today, and experience a difference tomorrow!

Take a look below, I’ve made this special deal available for a short time only, they are available, the choice is yours.

I proudly present you… 

The Virgo Man “Love Bible”

Here’s the special “Virgo Love Bible” offer I’ve prepared for you today… (please note, this is a special opportunity, available for a short time only … so if you feel this is right for you, you need to take advantage of it today)

I’ve made a special selection of 100% practical Virgo guides, each designed to further solidify & grow your relationship Faster & Easier than it could ever grow on its own. Just one of these special reports has the power to positively transform your love forever. Imagine what you could do with all of them?

When you combine these together, it’s almost as if you’ve mixed a magic love potion.

Take advantage of this offer today and I promise it’ll be the best investment you could ever make in your relationship’s success.

Check it out what’s inside The Virgo Man Love Bible…

The “Virgo Man Secrets” Original Series 5 Book ‘Mega-Package’ (valued at $297)

Virgo Man Secrets and Virgo Man Sextrology by Anna Kovach Astrologer
Virgo Man Secrets Bonus Books by Anna Kovach Astrologer

Here’s what’s included…

  • Virgo Man Secrets, 
  • Virgo Man Sextrology,
  • 25 Surprises To Delight Your Virgo Man, 
  • How To Get a Virgo Man Back, 
  • How To Text a Virgo Man (To Get You Started)

100 Magic Phrases That Make Virgo Chase, Love, And Worship You”… (valued at $197)

Here’s just some of what you’ll discover inside the “Virgo Man Love Language” course:

  • HOW TO Speak His Special “Cosmic Love Language”… THIS Is The New, Shockingly Effective Way And ONLY WAY To Communicate With Your Virgo Man — A Way He LOVES To Respond To, Cannot Resist, And Absolutely Cannot Ignore!
  • Never Before Revealed Secrets About The Virgo Man That Help You Instantly READ Him Like An Open Book… Even If He Doesn’t Say A Word! Think Of This Like Having An X-Ray Vision Into His Heart, Mind, And Soul…
  • Develop An INSTANT Soulmate-Level Connection That Makes Virgo Feel THIS IS MEANT TO BE And You Are DESTINED To Be Together… Even If You Have Never Met Before In Person!
  • The GUARANTEED Way To Make Immediately Visible Positive Progress With Your Virgo Man, Starting TODAY — Even If Your Relationship Has Been Stuck, Stale, Or He Has Been Pulling Away For Weeks, Months Or Even Years!
  • Using JUST ONE “Magic Phrase” Can Guide Your Relationship Into A Better Place… Imagine What A Hundred Of These Love-Boosters Can Do For Your Connection…
  • Does Virgo ever get angry or distant? Learn WHY and the best way to respond in ANY situation… (Plus: How To Set “Rules” That Prevent Him From Doing So In The Future)
  • The TRUTH About The Type Of Woman Virgo Man LOOKS For, WANTS To Marry And Be With FOREVER… And How You Can Show These Exact Personality Traits He Can’t Resist… Even If Your Signs Are Polar Opposites… And WITHOUT Having To Change Who You Are!  (Hint: all it takes is just knowing how to approach and respond in ‘tricky’ situations.)
  • The “Lasting-Love Building Blocks” You Absolutely Must-Know & Understand About The Virgo Man If You Want To Ensure Stable, Strong, And Unbreakable Love For Years To Come…
  • PLUS: 11 Secrets Tips & “Best Practices” You Need To Know To Ensure Success & Encourage Love When Dating A Virgo Man
  • Want him to see you as “The One” he wants to keep forever? Get 15 Little-Know Truths About The Virgo Man (That Nobody Told You About) But Every Woman Dating Him Absolutely Must-Know …
  • The Biggest CHALLENGES in a relationship with a Virgo Man… And The Best Way To Overcome Each And Every One Of Them!
  • The TYPE of woman Virgo is MAGNETICALLY attracted to… And How You Can “Model” This Behavior WITHOUT Having To Change Who You Are!
  • EXACTLY WHAT ATTRACTS HIM LIKE A MAGNET… Magic Phrases that cast a ‘love spell’ so strong he falls like a house of cards… head over heels in love with you…
  • WHAT PUSHES HIM AWAY… And Stops Virgo From Taking Your Relationship Seriously (And The Easy “Cosmic Cures” To Reverse This Forever)
  • How To Make Him See You As The Most Compatible, Most Interesting, And Most Wonderful Woman Of His Life…!
  • Why You Absolutely MUST Know His Mercury Sign (And How To Find It In His Chart) And The Secrets His Mercury Position Will Reveal About Him & His Hidden Communication Style,
  • EXACTLY What His Mercury Sign Means For You, Your Communication, And Your Relationship… And How To Take Advantage Of This To Make Virgo Love You Even More!
  • REVEALED: The Truth About Your Virgo Man’s VENUS Sign (And How To Find It In His Chart) … Plus, The Secrets Amazing Secrets THIS Position Will Reveal About His Love Language!
  • Your Virgo Man Love “Cheat Sheet” With 33 Quick Tips & Secrets You Need To Know About Him If You Want to Connect With His Virgo Soul
  • Dozens upon dozens of PRACTICAL and EXACT EXAMPLES of what, why, when, and how to say that build connection, love, and loyalty in his heart…
  • “Affection-Booster” Phrases That Instantly Make Virgo More Caring, Understanding And Receptive Of YOUR Needs, Wants, And Desires… WITHOUT You Ever Being Pushy Or Needy 
  • The Best Ways To Align Your Values And Vision (Even If They Are Radically Different) And Pull You Closer Even When You Don’t Agree About Everything,
  • How To PASS THROUGH EVERY TEST Virgo tries on you so he KNOWS you are the “REAL DEAL” Woman He’ll Walk Through Glass And Fire For,
  • The Weird & UNUSUAL WAYS Virgo Shows & Communicates Love… (Even When He May Seem Cold Or Distant),
  • The CORRECT WAY To Show Your Love & Interest To A Virgo Man… In A Way He’ll Be Compelled To Respond!
  • The “Long Term Love Signals” That Communicate Your TRUE VALUE To A Virgo Man And Make Him Picture A Future With You (And You Alone),
  • I’m in the unique position to have personally consulted hundreds if not thousands of women in love with a Virgo man… and have unique insight into this sign’s particular behavior
  • Now You Can “READ” Him Like An OPEN Book… Cover To Cover… You’ll GET Him Better Than He Knows Himself… Know EXACTLY HOW he thinks (and WHY) He Thinks This Way By Taking A Deep Dive Into His Inner World,
  • The Often Hidden Beliefs And Mottos Your Virgo Man Lives & Loves By
  • Discover All The Specific Nuances In His Behavior, Way Of Thinking And Expressions Of Love… Respond In A Way He Enjoys And INSTANTLY Connect Like No Other Woman In His Life Ever Could!
  • What Is He REALLY Like? Dive SO Much Deeper Into His Love Personality And Finally Create The Relationship Of Your Dreams!
  • The Easy Way To Deal With The Negative & Challenging Aspects Of His Personality… Like A Pro!
  • The #1 Mistake Most Women Make When They Just Start Dating A Virgo Man (And The Simple Way To Avoid This One)
  • The Most Potent Strategy When Dating A Virgo Man For The First Time… So It’s Almost Certain He Views You As “Marriage Material”… PLUS: The Top Do’s and Don’t Of Early Phase Dating (That You Can Use Later As Well To Respark Your Romance)
  • The Right Way To Set Boundaries With A Virgo Man So He Treats You With The Love And Respect You Deserve (Even If He’s Been a ‘Jerk’ Type Player Before),
  • The Single HOTTEST Trait Virgo Needs To See In You In Order To Find You Super Attractive!
  • The Second Most Important Personality Trait That Virgo Really Loves And Respects In A Woman And That Makes Him Consider Her As A Serious Potential Partner (And Woman He Should Fight For And Keep At Any Cost),
  • What He Likes And HATES In A Relationship (The Specific “Red Flags” That Push Virgo Man Away From Good Women),
  • The #1 PROBLEM With A Virgo Man (Hint: It's His Ego) And How To Handle It Like A True Professional (A Win-Win For Everyone),
  • A Deeper Dive Into His Love Personality / Astrological Love Profile / Love Language… How He Communicates Love, How He Receives And Gives Love… How He Shows Love… If You've Missed It Thus Far,
  • The “Secret Cheat Sheet” 1-Pager To Guide You To Relationship Bliss With Your Virgo Man… Top “Best Practices” To Follow That You AVOID So Many Arguments And Instead Experience Love, Harmony, And Connection…
  • The 100 Magic Phrases For EVERY POSSIBLE SITUATION You Can Imagine… That Make Virgo Treat You Like A Drop Of Water In The Desert… Know Exactly What To Say Every Day In Every Single Situation!
  • Phrases That Make Him CHASE You And Keep Him Interested In Marriage, Phrases That Make Him FALL IN LOVE With You… 
  • Phrase #2 Makes Virgo Feel Really Good About Himself And Turns On His Sensual, Romantic Side.
  • Phrase #7 Makes Virgo Immediately Feel Desired And Attractive And Good About You As Well!
  • Phrase #22 Makes Virgo Feel So Much More Confident About Your Relationship And You Being The Perfect One For Him To Share His Life With Forever.
  • Phrases To MELT HIS HEART… And Make Him More Affectionate, Romantic, And Caring… Emotional Hot-Buttons That Unlock His Emotional Weaknesses, And Secret Desires
  • Phrase #32 Demonstrates Your Love And Commitment To Him In A Way He Can Be Super Secure About You And Your Special Connection!
  • Phrases To Deepen Your Connection & Build Trust With Your Virgo Man… PLUS: Phrases To Show Support And Encouragement When He Really Needs You To, 
  • Phrase #43 Helps You Build Trust And Communicate More Openly With Each Other, Share Vulnerabilities Without Being Afraid…
  • Phrase #68 Encourages Virgo To Open Up To You When It’s Really Important To Talk Things Through…
  • Phrases That Show You Respect Him (And Can Help Bring Him Back Into Your Arms If He You Are Not Together Any More)
  • Phrase #72 Instantly Helps Virgo Relax And Know You Get Him Like No Other Woman Ever Could!
  • Phrase #82 Encourages Him To Be Your Hero And Makes Him Feel Super Appreciated! This Helps You Feel And Be Much More Compatible.
  • Phrases To Enhance Loving Communication And Cooperation, Phrases That Make Him Consider Your Point Of View… Phrases To Lift His Spirits… And Make Him Open Up & Share With You Even If He Never Did Before,
  • Phrase #84 Makes Virgo Respect Your Feelings While Making Him Feel Good About Himself At The Same Time!
  • Phrase #99 Destroys So Many Potential Arguments Between You Because It Feeds His Practical Side To Solving Problems, Makes Him See You As A Team (Not Opponents)
  • And Dozens Upon Dozens Of Phrases That Make It Impossible For Virgo Not To LIKE & Get Hooked On You… He Is Astrologically PROGRAMMED To These Just The Way You Want Him To!
  • And Much, Much More!

Virgo Man Text Magic” 64 Ready-to-send Texts to Make Him Yours… (valued at $197)

Virgo Man Text Magic” 64 Ready-to-send Texts to Make Him Yours… (valued at $197)

Here’s just some of what you’ll discover inside Virgo Text Magic:

  • The amazing texting (and sexting) tools that will skyrocket your relationship to a whole new level of intimate connection,
  • Be the only one that fully understands him - The little known secrets of speaking Virgo language of love,
  • Wickedly effective texts that you can simply copy and paste to keep his eyes glued to the screen waiting for your reply, no matter what situation you’re in,
  • A chart to his heart that will teach you exactly what to say so that you never again have to wonder if you said something wrong,
  • Which of your aspects need to be aligned with his Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus so that your communication flows naturally, flawlessly, and with ease,
  • Cunning ways to build immense mental attraction with a Virgo in no time (just by assessing his communication style),
  • All the planets that will affect your natal Sun sign in terms of communication and how you can align with those planets so that he falls in love with you, 
  • Exactly how he will communicate based on “the whereabouts” of his Mercury, his communication style, and how to handle him exactly the way he likes it,
  • Find out what he really wants to say! Learn what keeps 83% of women from really understanding Virgo guys and how not to run in circles with him all the time and completely miss the mark…
  • The best way to stimulate his curiosity and intrigue by sending a few simple words that only a handful of women know,
  • Why does he sometimes say two completely different things and what does it mean? Learn how to decipher the real meaning behind his words,
  • 2 fatal errors in texting that make him lose interest and pull away and how to void making these dreadful mistakes,
  • Sexual texts or not? How to know when to use them and build his desire little by little until he can’t imagine himself without you anymore,
  • Connection stronger than ever! Gain a clear understanding of some of the deepest Virgo callings and find out how to speak to the very core of his being,
  • Don’t chase him! Learn how to easily challenge him in the right way so that he chases you instead,
  • The clear and crisp answer to the biggest question in the century of texting - Should you answer straight away or wait a little? And how much should you really wait if you want him addicted to your messages?
  • What does it mean if he doesn’t respond and how to quickly flip the script,
  • The quick ways of getting him to burn from the desire to answer you (this will make him check his phone 24/7 to see if you wrote to him),
  • Should you text him first or not? Proven ways to make him fall for your wit and charm over and over again (every time he reads your texts),
  • There are 5 types of Virgo communicators (depending on his Mercury). Learn how to quickly recognize his type and instantly seduce him,
  • The little known secrets that make a difference between whether he’ll worship you like a Goddess or view you as a commodity,
  • The #1 way to easily tell if he’s a one-woman man or a player
  • The 3 kinds of attitudes that you must drop ASAP if you want a long-term relationship with them,
  • A tested way to make him treasure you and spend a fortune just to please you,
  • Debunked! Learn why Virgo man’s communication style is constantly changing and find out how to safely get him by the horns and bow down to your feminine appeal,
  • The best way to give him exactly what he needs so that he gets hooked and becomes yours and yours alone,
  • Cunning ways to protect yourself from his lies and play the power game so that you bring down his walls and win affection and honesty that you really deserve,
  • The only thing that you can do if you ever get jealous and how to turn the tables on him,
  • The biggest thing he requires in love and communication and how to make him see you as the only one that can give it to him,  
  • 2 things that you absolutely need to imply when texting him – if you want his everlasting devotion,
  • Make him love you back! Find out all the cues and triggers that you should wait for before telling him that you love him,
  • Which kinds of Virgo men get hurt easily and where (not) to strike,  
  • The 3 essential needs of Virgo and how to satisfy them so that they open up to you and let you into their private worlds of tenderness and warmth,
  • The Worst 3 Mistakes Women Make When Texting Virgo Men & How to Make Sure You Don’t Get Ghosted,
  • Find out what it means if they always answer with a delay? The answer might surprise you.
  • The sneaky little secret that reveals exactly how much and how often you should text him if you want him to go on all fours for you, 
  • Sending nudes, yes or no? Learn how to ensure that your relationship lasts for years instead of months… (btw, the answer is not what you think),
  • The 1 thing that a Virgo does not appreciate and that will only push him further away if you’re not careful,
  • The examples of buzz-killing messages that women send to Virgo and that you should never send to him,
  • A clear explanation of what gets on his nerves and why so that you know how to avoid the relationship land mines,
  • The real reason why Virgo men completely lose interest and stop texting you… and how to flip the script so that your phone doesn’t stop ringing,
  • Are you tired of guessing if he’s into you or not? Learn how to find out for sure and how to make him like you more,
  • The 1 thing that you will have to prove to him if you’re really serious about dating him,
  • What NEVER to Do When a Virgo Man Pulls Away & the only thing you can do to surely get him back if it happens,
  • The 5 power-words that (sent at the right time) saved hundreds of relationships with Virgo,
  • The 5 never-before-told ways to get a Virgo to always text you first,
  • The flirtatious messages that push his buttons so that he starts thinking about the big diamond ring without you bringing it up,
  • The 5 witty hacks that force even one-word Virgo texters to respond,
  • The 5 key elements of luring the Virgo into your love nest,
  • The 6 messages that you can copy & paste at any time to get him to drive miles just to dine with you… or Netflix and chill (if you know what I mean),
  • The 5 crafty texts that make Virgo men miss you, dream about you, and think about you 24/7 (even if you hadn’t seen each other in months),
  • PRO TIP: mind control technique that will make him start thinking about going steady with you,  
  • 5 naughty texts that will instantly turn him and have him sweat just thinking about you,
  • The 7 texts that he sends when he gets too sexual and 7 come-back ways to remind him that he has to fight hard to win your respect and approval,
  • The 3 celestial bodies that control Virgo connection with you and how to best position yourself so that your date is flawless,
  • The 5 deepest love messages that specifically appeal to Virgo men and awaken their romantic yearnings for you beyond their wildest imaginings,
  • He won’t be able to stop thinking about you! The 5-morning messages to MAKE him think of you all day long,
  • 5 goodnight messages that will make a Virgo man dream of you and you alone, 
  • 7 Virgo men pleasure points and how to implement them in your texts and improvise messages on your own so that you have him eating from your hand,
  • 5 shrewd questions that will make a Virgo man feel more intimately connected to you than ever,
  • 2 things to bring to the table if you want him to give you his heart on a silver platter
  • The 5 foolproof texts that make a “friends with benefits” situation into “Virgo in love” situation,
  • 5 insanely practical and actionable scenarios based on real-life examples that will teach you how not to respond to his ploys and how not to ruin your chances of a happily ever after,
  • Devious ways to have him fall into your love trap instead,
  • Make him think highly of you! Learn the only way to put him in his place and show him that you have more value than a mere sexual object…
  • The exact way to teach him to fight hard to win your love Every. Single. Day,
  • The 10 dirty but stylishly delicious texts to send your Virgo man and raise your passionate intimacy to another level,
  • A superb insight into his sexuality that will make him beg to see you ASAP,
  • Get him “sexcited” beyond belief! Gain all of his attention and have him ready willing and able to satisfy every inch of your body and soul with these sexting strategies,
  • How to skillfully use emojis to tease the living hell out of him and have him perceive you as a creative, charming, and alluring woman that you are,
  • How to pique his curiosity by a mere click of a button and how to get him to obsess over you day and night,
  • All the text messages that you will ever need for every single stage of your relationship with a Virgo man,
  • And so much more…

The 30 Day Virgo Man Love Challenge”… - Become His Dream Woman In 30 Days Or Less (valued at $97)

You need solutions, you need a plan of action, and you need it NOW. You don’t have time to wait around forever because neither will he. Exact steps, right now.

And that’s exactly why I’ve come up with ‘The 30-Day Virgo Man Love Challenge’.

Whatever ‘status’ your relationship is in right now, if you follow The Challenge, in just 30 days you will move your relationship forward in the right direction.

If he’s pulling away, it’ll pull him back. If he’s uncertain or isn’t serious enough, see how he ‘man’s up’ and begins to treat you like GOLD.

Let’s face it… if you want change… you have to DO something about it.

Now, don’t worry, the daily challenges are EASY. 

There’s just 1 challenge per day. But each challenge will propel your relationship forward. Each challenge will teach you an important New Lesson about him, the way to deal him, and your relationship.

My Promise: If The 30-Day Virgo Love Challenge does not move your relationship forward… NOTHING will. Leave him!

That’s how confident I am about what’s inside. Thousands of my clients have already used this same advice over the years. If he’s right for you, you’ll see how it works… in just 30 days or less!

The amazing thing is the ‘compounding effect’ The 30-Day Challenge does to your love. It STACKS the deck in your favor.

Even if he’s currently ice-cold or if he’s losing interest… use The Challenge and his heart falls like a line of dominos. I can’t wait to hear about your success!

The 27 Dirty Phrases That Turn Virgo On”… & Other Sexual Virgo Secrets He Wishes You Knew (valued at $97)

Here’s a little overview of what’s inside:

  • 27 Dirty Phrases to Make Your Virgo Man Beg for More
  • 10 Dirty Phrases to TEXT Your Virgo Man When You’re Apart
  • 5 Things You Must Never Say to a Virgo Man
  • Favorite Sexual Positions of Virgo Men
  • 3 Kinky Things About Virgo Men They Wish You Knew
  • 5 Best Porn Fantasies to Watch Together
  • 12 Zodiac Sex Signs + Virgo in Bed Together
  • 5 Best Places to Meet Virgo Men
  • 5 Best Colors to Attract a Virgo Man
  • 7 Things That Turn Off a Virgo Real Fast

The 7 Relationship-Killing Mistakes With A Virgo Man”... And How To Easily Avoid Them! (valued at $97)

Do you make these mistakes with a Virgo man?

“7 Relationship-Killing Mistakes” teaches you the most common subconscious mistakes that push Virgo away… physically and emotionally… the good news is that it’s easy to avoid or bypass these once you know what they are and why they raise such ‘red flags’.

Every woman dating a Virgo man NEEDS to know this if you want your relationship to move forward.

You may recognize here specific reasons that already pushed him away before or notice you are accidentally doing some ‘minor’ thing that can hurt your love in a major way.

You’ll never make these same mistakes again and automatically enjoy a better relationship!

It’s that simple.

. . .

“Virgo Heart Opener” — 21 Questions To Ask Virgo That Force Him To Share His True Feelings (valued at $97)

Does your Virgo ever ‘keep quiet’ in a way and seems like he doesn’t open up all the way?

Ever wonder how to ‘get through to him’ when at times he acts like a brick wall?

Well… I’ve got a handy little solution for you. The secret to penetrating his shield isn’t what you say — but what you ask.

Imagine if just a few engaging questions could make him see you as the perfect fit?

Now, not all questions are created equal — to ask “what’s wrong?” would be a rookie mistake, instead… steer the conversation in a direction he’s comfortable in.

Get him to relax.

Get him to feel you’re on his side… even when you don’t yet completely agree.

Ask him the right questions and discover an entirely different side to him.

In fact — asking the right questions will give him all the right answers about you.

It’ll PROVE that you ‘get him’, that you can be trusted, that he can let his guard down… that he is safe with you. To him, it’s like the priceless feeling of coming home. Questions that make him feel… appreciated, valued, respected, understood… without ever giving him a direct compliment!

Questions that inspire his inner hero… wanting to protect, save, and take good care of you.

The amazing side-benefit here is that you will ALWAYS have something he is PASSIONATE about to talk about. 

Imagine never having to worry about what you’ll text next or what you’ll talk about on your date. Imagine never having to listen to his silence again. That’s what I’m talking about.

WHO do you think he’ll connect those positive feelings to? That’s right, it’s you.

Frankly, you’ll ask him questions very few people ever cared to ask… No wonder he’ll feel like you’re his perfect match.

And it doesn’t matter if you just started dating and are only getting to know each other… or if you’ve been married for a decade! You can still use these questions.

And yes, you can use these 21 questions forever. And in the process… you won’t just keep discovering new things about him, but also… inspiring him to be the very best man he could possibly be. 

Each questions Opens up another layer of his personality and reveals feelings to you… you’ll know when, how and why to use each question. It’s not hard to “read his mind” when these questions have him share everything openly.

Here’s the sneaky part – the more Virgo opens up to you, the more automatically IN LOVE he becomes with you. After all — why would he reveal his biggest secrets and vulnerabilities to you, unless… he does love you and you are his One. This is the natural logic he’ll explain to himself!

I assume you agree it’s easier when He is the one doing the convincing, of himself to himself, why he really loves you.

Now I must warn you — you probably won’t be able to use all 21 questions at once… some you could use immediately, some, when the timing is right… but what you will learn is how and why these questions work, so you can simply construct your own variations using the same principles.

The ‘framework’ I am giving you inside is something that stays with you forever.

. . .

The Virgo Man’s 7 Hidden Love Messages”... How Virgo Shows Love Even When He Seems Cold Or Sends Mixed Signals (valued at $97)

What if he loves you but doesn’t show his love the same way as you?

It’s true.

Every sign expresses love in slighty different ways, and so does your Virgo… What if Virgo seems cold or confusing, yet you’re just speaking a different love language.

If you misinterpret his love messages, you might feel unappreciated, unloved, or uncared for… and while this may be true, perhaps you are just misreading his signals.

Once you know exactly how Virgo communicates love, you’ll know if he really loves you and how to nurture and promote that behavior in him.

PLUS, you’ll know the love language he responds to and how to mirror it right back to him so he feels loved and appreciated in a way he is open to receiving your love.

Inside 7 Hidden Love Messages you’ll discover the true meaning of his behavior and how to subtly ‘direct it’ in your favor.

. . .

Virgo Withdrawal Factor” — The 7 Reasons Why Virgo Pulls Away… And How To Pull Him Back Before It’s Too Late! (valued at $97)

Is a Virgo man acting cold, growing more distant or even ignoring you in some way?

Well… wonder no more. Get complete clarity about your situation. Let me show you how to pull him back and flip the love switch back on in his mind while you still can.

“Virgo Withdrawal Factor” explains (with specific examples) the 7 most-common reasons why and how Virgo loses interest in a potential long-term partner… (and how to PROTECT your relationship in the future.)

It may not even be a particular mistake but the LACK of positive behavior that communicates you are indeed the One and Only best match for him.

The secret is to continually reinforce his desire and belief of your compatibility instead of triggering his inner skeptic.

Learn how to stop pushing him away and start to pulling him closer instead.

. . .

“The Big Book Of Answers About The Virgo Man”, your ultimate FAQ with instant-solutions to most common issues (valued at $197)

What if your Virgo man came with an “owner’s manual”?

As a professional Relationship Astrologer I have consulted thousands of women dating a Virgo man about their situation.

Many questions repeat themselves, and here I’ve selected the 41 most common questions and solutions into a kind of ‘ultimate FAQ’ - your solutions handbook.

Here are just some of the questions ‘The Big Book’ answers for you:

  • should you purse this relationship or not,
  • how do you get him commit,
  • is there a way to turn things around and get him back after a break up,
  • how to get him interested in a long term relationship,
  • is he really interested or just playing around,
  • how to get him comfortable with you and your relationship,
  • how do you get him to want to marry you,
  • how do you get him to be more serious about you,
  • how do you 'de-complicate' your relationship,
  • how do you get him to open up and talk about his feelings,
  • the thing to do when he's angry, moody, and of course…
  • how do you get him to change his mind even when he's super stubborn!
  • how do you get HIM to chase you (for a change),
  • how do you get him to stop working so much and pay attention to you,

And dozens of other questions that I answer for you inside.

Hidden within these answers, you'll discover hundreds of little secrets that can have a profound positive effect on your relationship. Fast!

“Taming Your Virgo Man”… (valued at $97)

“Forever Love With Virgo Man” – Discover The 10 Ways To Keep Him Interested & Engaged For A Lifetime Of Love! (valued at $97)

There has never been a guide that sheds light on the checklist for a long-term relationship with a Virgo man. If you want to keep him HOOKED, ENGAGED, and INTERESTED in you for a lifetime - “Forever Love With A Virgo Man” shows you how.

Keep your relationship exciting and fresh even if you've been married for YEARS. This is how you keep him IN LOVE with you.

Inside this special report, we go into all the details of how you can make sure that your relationship with a Virgo transcends the fling-phase and enters the forever-phase.

The chances are I've seen everything ever written on this sign... and I’ve never seen a book like this one. That’s why I’ve set out to create it myself.

Here’s just some of what ‘Forever Love’ will to teach you:

  • What makes Virgo man fall in love with you and what makes him shut down and start to look elsewhere?
  • Why he is so enigmatic and what diverse side of his you’ll need to learn how to balance if you want your relationship balanced and prosperous?
  • 12 reasons why your Virgo man chose you… and how to keep him choosing you over and over again (Page 4),
  • 14 reasons why he’s such a catch and why you are a great fit. Nurture these traits of his and he’ll reward you with love beyond your imagining (page 5),
  • How his Earth sign influences his mysterious character and how you can tap into his soul to make him all yours,
  • Did you know that Virgo has 2 ruling planets? That’s what makes Virgo man so complex and hard to tame… However, if you understand the role that Mars and Pluto play, the role you’ll play in his life will be a leading role,  
  • The #1 biggest thing that your Virgo man can NEVER resist and how to uses it to keep his passion for you alive (page 6),
  • What trait he disdains and what never to showcase in his company (page 6),
  • 7 ways to Tapping into the inner labyrinth of mysteries that you two will lovingly roam together for years to come (page 7),
  • Because Virgo is ruled by 2 planets, he can sometimes appear to have double standards… Learn how to handle those standards and you’ll become his only mistress (page 7), 
  • Exactly what needs to be shared and what needs to be kept a secret with a Virgo if you don’t want to engage his notorious passive-aggression,
  • How to set boundaries and which boundaries to set? What are his boundaries that you have to respect without questions asked,
  • How to ease his mind and let him know that he can always trust you and give in to you completely (page 9),
  • What to be transparent about and what NEVER to leave him guessing,
  • Find all about the major red flag for a Virgo, how not to signal it, and what to do instead in order to convince him that you’re really the one for him,
  • Sex is definitely important to a Virgo man… but there’s one thing that’s equally important and that concerns your mind. Learn how to master it and you’ll seize his heart forever,
  • What Virgo are really sensitive about and what makes him instantly put up walls… Don’t worry, play on his obsessions and you’ll jump over those walls easily and stay safe with him inside forever, 
  • 6 best ways to surprise your Virgo man… in a good way. Excite him and he’ll always feel intimately connected with you (page 12)
  • 6 best gifts to give to a Virgo if you want him to become more affectionate than ever (page 13),
  • How to make your routines exciting and novel even if you’re living together for years… Let a fresh breeze feed the fire of his eternal love for you (page 15),
  • 6 subtle ways to show your appreciation and play on his heartstrings so that he starts appreciating you more than any other woman he’s known (page 16)
  • How Gina learned to accentuate Virgo gifts instead of clashing with him all the time. Learn from her example how you can bring about peace and serenity when your relationship needs them, 
  • How to fuel the spiritual connection with your Virgo man and be recognized as his one true soul mate, (page 18),
  • 15 in-depth questions that will touch him where no woman has touched him before. These will allow you to connect with him on a completely new and mysterious level,
  • Did you know that Virgo fantasize about being in a very specific type of relationship? Fulfill those fantasies and he’ll put his back into to fulfill yours, 
  • 4 fun ways to spice up your relationship and boost his sense of power and confidence,
  • 6 easy ways to remind your Virgo man that he’s made the right choice by being with you,
  • The worst thing that dooms a relationship with a Virgo and how to avoid that deadly trap,
  • Practical Secrets of maintaining your sense of authority and power while not competing with your Virgo man for control. This will reinforce his sense of team-work and fuel the passion for a long-term relationship and marriage, (page 22)
  • All this and much, much more…

The 77 Magic Beliefs That Make ‘The One’ Love & Adore You For A Lifetime… Learn To Bond & Connect With Him In A New Way (valued at $97)

Do you know that how you THINK about your men, love & relationships directly impacts your behavior… which directly influences the Response you receive from a man…

And do you know that around 90% of women have counter-productive ‘love programming’ that works against them instead of FOR them… It’s true. And it’s the top reason why good relationships go bad.

But did you know that now there’s also an easy and effective way to replace this false programming and adopt a ‘love mindset’ that works FOR you 24/7… even as you sleep!

I have invested thousands of hours studying relationship-psychology, self-love, attraction and manifestation and hundreds more in designing this 100% unique training for you… “The 77 Magic Beliefs That Make ‘The One’ Love & Adore You For A Lifetime.”

And I am happy to give you a Free copy that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

These magic beliefs TRIGGER the kind of reponse you desire in your relationship. Once you accept and internalize them… I promote your love life will never be the same again.

I call them ‘magic beliefs’ because that’s exactly how they work. So simple yet so profoundly powerful.

And they work for you ‘in the background’ — automatically helping you make all the right decisions… say the right things and ask the right questions… even when you’re feeling vulnerable or angry, they automatically help you avoid some of the biggest mistake that jeopardize relationships.

Give them a try and see for yourself!

The “Feng Shui Love Manual” is the quick and easy way to unleash a flood of love and romance into your life... (valued at $97)

Isn’t it amazing that you can simply move a few things around… and improve the energy of love in your life?

Absolutely. Let me show you how to attract and keep true love with the simple yet mysteriously powerful rules of FENG SHUI.

I’ve created this special 47-page “Feng Shui Love Manual“ just for you with 100% focus on LOVE-shui!

It’s packed with practical, actionable, easy-to-do tips and tricks designed to provide you IMMEDIATE results!

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn inside...

  • Why “missing corners” might be bringing you rejection and difficulty finding your perfect partner,
  • The dangers of placing reflective surfaces like mirrors and water in ways that increase the risk of him cheating, and create instability in your relationship,
  • The “Eight Mansions” formula that can cure romantic disharmony arising from harmful Qi,
  • Uncover the unsettling energy emanating from your furniture that’s creating hostile,  oppressive feelings between you and your partner, and how to resolve it,
  • Calculate your unique “Gua Number” to make sure you’re not turning the opposite way from love,
  • Understand the connection between the fire in the kitchen and the heat in your love life,
  • How to give the universe the signal that you’re ready for love, and attract it into your life,
  • And much, much more that'll remove “blocks“ and open you up for true love and relationship-bliss…

Love Numerology Secrets: Learn how numbers can help you catch him and keep him ...(valued at $97)

Let me show you how to use the Ancient System of Numerology to Attract “The One,” Empower Yourself, and Align You with Your Life Path…

My 47-page special guidebook “Love Numerology Secrets“ will show you how to calculate the most powerful numbers and what those numbers say about you, him and your romantic compatibility!

It’s the ideal companion to Astrology.

Here’s some of what you’ll discover inside…

  • How his “life path” number reflects his destiny, virtues and future challenges,
  • Peer into his inner soul, his true motivations, intimate desires and interests by understanding his Soul Urge or “Heart’s Desire” number,
  • Learn about his Expression or “destiny” number, and reveal his goals, dreams, ambitions and the talents which make him unique,
  • Uncover the “shadow” elements of his experience and personality – understand the dark parts that lie beneath the surface before they take control of your relationship,
  • Learn how to calculate all of these vital numbers…and what to do with them!
  • Discover how numerologically compatible you are and what’s his best and worst match numbers are,
  • PLUS: Practical ways to use this information to attract “The One“ or better align with your romantic or life partner,
  • And much, much more...

I hope you'll be as blown-away by the power of numbers as I am to this day!

“The 125 Magic Beliefs That Make Men Chase, Love, And Worship You…” This is your ultimate guide to become every man's Fantasy (valued at $197)

Your beliefs - about yourself, men, and love - directly influence your behavior…

Well what if I tell you that there is a certain way ‘Attractive Women’ think (and behave) that makes men magnetically attracted to them.

It is men are PROGRAMMED to be attracted to.

I’ve created a completely unique guide for you containing 125 “Magic Beliefs” — I call them this way because that’s exactly how they seem to work - like magic!

Once you learn to think this way, and adopt this new set of beliefs - men will immediately begin to chase, love and worship you. I know it sounds hard to believe, but it's true!

Plus - these beliefs will make you feel AMAZING about yourself, in your body & mind. Each day you will wake up feeling CONFIDENT, SEXY, and DESIRED. I show you the exact beliefs, why they work, and how to put them to work for you.

This knowledge will then automatically serve you for years to come. There is simply no way you won't see men immediately change the way they treat you. Just try a few of these beliefs and see for yourself!

But wait, there’s more!

Now… Receive Anna’s Premium, Client-Only 90-Day ‘Newsletter Love Coaching’ Program (valued at $749, claim your FREE access today)

Now for a short time only, with your order of Virgo Man Secrets — I’m giving away free, full access to my Exclusive, Clients-Only eNewsletter!

A personal newsletter you’ll love to ‘rip open’, look forward to, and ‘star’ in your Inbox.

I know because I receive daily “Thank you” letters from clients all over the world… amazed by the relevancy, effectiveness, and practical wisdom they gain from these story-love lessons.

* * * * *

“Anna I just want to say how much I love reading all your letters. Not only do I learn something new about my man but about myself. Putting into practice some of the things I've learned from you has really strengthed our relationship. I sent you an email a few weeks back telling you how much deeper our communication is. We can be out and across the room look at one another and know what one another is thinking. On the way home we will usually laugh and talk about it. It's making our bond stronger. You have a wonderful gift and I look forward to reading more. Your Friend Kathy”

* * * * * 

Frankly, I’m convinced you’ve never read anything remotely similar!

Inside - I share countless love, dating & relationship adventures from my own life and those of my amazing clients.

Just one of them may positively influence your romantic present & future. Yet I have prepared over 50 of these thought-provoking (and often fun) stories for you to learn from and absorb over time. 

They reveal proven ways to deal with men in a way they love, respect, and are magnetically drawn to.

Think of it as ongoing love-coaching…

Each letter delivers a lesson you can hardly forget and thus easily implement in your love life - immediately or even years later. 

These stories transform your outlook and mindset in a way that makes you naturally more attractive, seductive, and - in control - of your love life. Simply read them and let them serve you for a lifetime.

It’s as if you just have an ‘unfair advantage’ in getting whatever you want from men. I know… it’s a bit scary, and very powerful.

I have only one ‘condition’ — just promise me you’ll use these secrets ethically (and keep them between us). I do not want you to manipulate a man, tough you’ll certainly know how.

Here’s just some of the knowledge you’ll gain…

  • How my friend Steph used the ‘Making Men Need You’ technique to transform her guy, Rob, from “emotionally unavailable for commitment” to being her loving, loyal, and caring fiancé… who now can’t imagine a day without her – cherishing the ground she walks on! (and making sure all her needs are satisfied)
  • Mystery Magic: How my ex-boss Olga used ‘The Art Of Silence’ to keep everyone excited to work for her (and make her happy) - and how this same skill makes men think about you and want you over and over again… 
  • The effortless way Teresa kept her husband’s respect, love, and admiration for decades — and why Hans loved treating her like his Queen (despite being a ‘bad boy’ in his youth)… now you too can use ‘The law of Expectation’ to train any man to treat you like royalty!
  • The Counter-Intuitive way to ‘win’ arguments with any man… and how my friend Billie used it to develop a deeper connection and harmony in the ‘argument’ process with Bryan (without ever firing a single ‘bullet’ or sparking resentment or pushing him away - a mistake nearly all women make…)
  • How (and when) to use “The Sudden Disappearance Technique” to make men miss, desire & chase you while proving their love in the process – a failrpoof strategy I got from my Dad’s diplomacy negotiations (and use successfully to this day)
  • Everyone Has A Fantasy… if you are The One who helps them make their dreams come true (even if you just help a bit) — you’ve got them on your good side for a lifetime! Learn to use the “Dream Discovery” technique to find anyone’s ‘blindspot’ – and then put this knowledge to work in your love’s favor immediately, 
  • And much, much more…

 Now… while I am certain the guidance & love coaching inside is worth hundreds, if not thousands of dollars… I’m granting you full and lifetime-free access to this exclusive Newsletter.

“Anna, if this is as valuable as you claim, why are you giving it away for FREE?”

First of all, because I love to overdeliver to my clients. And second… because you need this guidance. 

If I charged what it’s actually worth, few people would be able to afford it, and I’d never want money to get in the way of your experiencing the love life you deserve and can have.

I want to make this an easy & risk-free decision for you, that’s why I’m happy to stack the deck in your favor - all the way.

But of course, please keep in mind - I won’t be able to leave access free forever… as there’s a limit to the number of clients I can serve at the highest level… 

Your timing is perfect. Come and join me while the doors are open and the opportunity is right in front of you. 

Thousands of women have already benefit from this exclusive newsletter love-coaching. It’s your turn now. Consider this is my personal Invitation to you.

Hop in, thank me later. It’s yours completely free when you order “Virgo Love Bible” education today.

I am excited to see you and hear from you!

Yes, you get All of these 21 special roadmaps to his heart — we are talking about hundreds upon hundreds of pages of step-by-step instructions & key insights into Making (and Keeping) Virgo head over heels in love with you!

There is nothing quite like it.

And I promise you will not find this information anywhere else!

“Anna this sounds amazing, but what’s the investment?”

I can already hear you asking…

Now let me just quickly recap everything you receive when you say “maybe” to this package today.

And yes - you can relax because you don’t have to fully decide today - just say maybe. Simply try it with my 100% risk-free offer. See how it works for you. 

Try it with your Virgo man. 

And you have 60 days to decide it if it’s right for you and you can change your mind for whatever reason. All the risk is on me.

So here’s what you receive today:

  • The original Virgo Man Secrets 5-book series (valued at $297)
  • Virgo Love Language: 100 Magic Phrases That Make Virgo Chase, Love, And Worship You (valued at $197)
  • Virgo Man Text Magic, 64 Ready-to-send Texts to Make Him Yours… (valued at $197)
  • “The 27 Dirty Phrases That Turn Virgo On”… & Other Sexual Virgo Secrets He Wishes You Knew (valued at $97)
  • “The 30 Day Love Challenge With A Virgo Man”… The Proven Way To Become His Dream Woman In 30 Days Or Less (valued at $97)
  • “The 7 Relationship-Killing Mistakes With A Virgo Man”... And How To Easily Avoid Them! (valued at $97)
  • “Virgo Heart Opener” — 21 Questions To Ask Virgo That Force Him To Share His True Feelings (valued at $97)
  • “The Virgo Man’s 7 Hidden Love Messages”... How Virgo Shows Love Even When He Seems Cold Or Sends Mixed Signals (valued at $97)
  • Virgo Withdrawal Factor” — The 7 Reasons Why Virgo Pulls Away… And How To Pull Him Back Before It’s Too Late! (valued at $97)
  • “The Big Book Of Answers About The Virgo Man”, your ultimate FAQ with instant-solutions to most common issues (valued at $197)
  • “Taming Your Virgo Man”… (valued at $97)
  • “Forever Love With Virgo Man” – Discover The 10 Ways To Keep Him Interested & Engaged For A Lifetime Of Love! (valued at $97)
  • The 77 Magic Beliefs That Make ‘The One’ Love & Adore You For A Lifetime… Learn To Bond & Connect With Him In A New Way (valued at $97)
  • The “Feng Shui Love Manual” is the quick and easy way to unleash a flood of love and romance into your life... (valued at $97)
  • Love Numerology Secrets: Learn how numbers can help you catch him and keep him ...(valued at $97)
  • “The 125 Magic Beliefs That Make Men Chase, Love, And Worship You…” This is your ultimate guide to become every man's Fantasy (valued at $197)
  • Anna’s Premium, Client-Only 90-Day ‘Newsletter Love Coaching’ Program (valued at $749)
  • Ask Me Anything… VIP Access To My Client-Only Priority Email to ask me about your relationship or love life (valued at $197)

As you can see, the total retail value of the Virgo Love Bible package is stacked in your favor… you will know EVERYTHING there is to know about the Virgo man, and more. And this new knowledge is what will set you apart and help transform your relationship for the better.

So in order to really make this a bargain deal for you… instead of charging the true value of this package at $2,997… you won’t even pay $1,497… not even $997… which would still be well worth it.

Instead, I’ve decided to offer you the “Virgo Love Bible” training package for just a one-time investment of $197.

That’s less than what you’d pay an “okay” therapist for a 1-hour session. Yet here you receive a LIFETIME OF EDUCATION, guidance and help on the Virgo man in your life. This new knowledge has the power to save your relationship, secure its future, and give you the connection and commitment you deserve… and you’ll experience a difference in how he responds to you almost immediately.

Plus, it’s 100% risk-free and guaranteed to help you understand him better.

But don’t just take my word for it…

Here’s how others feel about my Astrological guidance...

Denise “Omgoodness ! I can't begin to tell you ..ive always loved reading my horoscope, heck since I was a young teen. But never before Anna Kovach have I ever had True belief in astrology. Totally amazed at how "smack dab" straight on , everything you said was so true. Amazed and so happy I fell upon you and your knowledge. Thankyou..from my heart”

Celine “This has sone great insight that it has given me a different perspective and sone food for thought. Just abou everything indicated in the guide is spot on and when it is happening I csn make sense of it and know how to maneuver the situation.”

Valeri “The descriptions given on the Zodiac signs describe my partner quite accurately. I was in shock. The information provides has been quite helpful.”

Samantha “The information you have sent me has been very helpful, insightful and surprisingly accurate. Thank you Anna. You have helped me gain a much better understanding.”

Cheryl V. Anna Kovach has some very insightful information to share - I learned a lot! Thanks very much!

Rachelle “I am so happy I found you Anna! Your emails have helped my relationship tremendously. I understand my guy so much better and have seen a definite improvement in our relationship since I have been reading your articles. Thank you!”

Diane “I recently purchased Anna's report on my Cap. Such awesome information about him in particular. I keep the info. and re-read as a reference guide. Gave me so much useful insight that I was so unaware of before. We are getting closer each time we're together. Thank you Anna!!!”

Kimberli A. “I have been able to really understand my man on a whole new level thanks to Anna's astrology guides. They were very helpful to me.”

Audrey S. “Amazing! Love the information you share. It is very useful and has been effective too. Interesting to note how accurate it is too! I have enjoyed this journey with you immensely.”

Linda J. “OMGoodness, this was SO helpful! I'd actually got the report when a guy from my past asked me out, which went no where (per my decision), but then as if merely downloading this report opened the Universe's door, another guy, I am still with months later, asked me out. I am so grateful I downloaded this report (he practically advertises his birthday, lol), so I was able to get just the info I needed w/o even asking, ;). I have looked/referred back to the report at least 4-5 times & have it saved on my hard drive for quick reference~a wealth of knowledge & information, thank you! :D”

Bring Him Closer With These Cosmic Secrets Or Your Money Back (60-day, 100% satisfaction & money-back guarantee)

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I am not asking you to say 'Yes' today - instead, just say Maybe. Say Maybe, and give it a try.  

And in the unlikely even that you are not completely happy with your investment, simply email me any time within 60 days, and I will promptly refund all your money. No questions asked!

I want to make this an easy, risk-free decision for you because I know how valuable it can be for your relationship.

Give it a try and see how it works for you. And if, for any reason what so ever, you don’t find it an AMAZING choice, I’ll return every penny, no hassle, no worries. No bad feelings!

It’s that simple. This is my policy because it is my mission to help you and make you feel secure about your decision.

So if you’re ready to take advantage of this special offer and add The Virgo Man Love Bible training package to your order… all for just a one-time investment of $197,

Remember you don't have to decide now. Just say “Maybe” for 60 days… give it a try, read it, use it - see how it influences your relationship.

Click “Add To Cart” below and receive INSTANT, LIFETIME ACCESS to everything above.

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NOTE: This special package comes in convenient PDF/electronic format. You receive immediate access on the following page. It all comes at just a one-time additional charge of $197. Click “Add To My Order” to automatically take advantage of this special offer.

After You Click ‘Add To Cart’ . . .

You’ll then immediately be sent to a special page that gives you INSTANT ACCESS to download the 23 Special Reports from above PLUS, within these guides you receive access to the special email address to ask me anything.

The guides come in PDF/electronic format so simply click on the links on the download page and they’ll start downloading immediately. You can access the files on your computer, phone or tablet anytime.

You’ll will also receive an email with a Direct link so you can re-access your purchase anytime in the future.

...Sounds fair enough?

Can't wait to see you inside!

Simply click the green ‘Add To Cart’ button below and order today.

Friendly Note: This Is A One-Time Offer. If you’re serious about your Virgo man, add this to your order now.

Regular Value $2,997

You Pay Only $197

You get instant access to everything upon checkout, because all is delivered in digital format. This isn't just better for our environment, but also more convenient for you. No shipping or waiting. It doesn't matter wether it's 3pm or 3am on a Sunday, whether you're in the US, Brazil, Germany or New Zealand . . .

Click “Add To Cart” above to get started. I promise, your relationship will never be the same again.

I can’t wait to hear about your success!

Sending you love,

Your Sister & Relationship Astrologer,

When you order right now, you get this whole package for just a one-time payment of $97.

I promise you'll love this and regret not taking action today.

But, however you decide,

I just hope my guidance proves as valuable to you as it has to thousands of others.

Lisa L. “After reading about my man so much started to make sense. I started to understand how to better connect with him. Now we are absolutely unstoppable.. Thank you!”

Jodi S. “ANNA gives the best information about your partner. I have learned alot and how to handle things differently.”

Emily D. “Thank you so much Anna for sharing. You gave me exactly what I needed to better understand my crush. I have a new understanding of him, peace of mind and answers to my questions. It described him to a tee! I couldnt figure out why I couldnt read him and to find out virgos are hard to read lol. I am truly grateful.”

AnitaThank you for putting together such an amazing, comprehensive tool kit for understanding and satisfying the Virgo man.”

Dominica “I needed to better understand the man I love, see what I am doing wrong and to help me be a better partner. All I can say is Thank you for your wonderful and insightful books, they have made the last month or so much easier and have kept my mind on track.

KarenIn reading all your resources and you describe my recent relationship interest perfectly and all that I read was super helpful.

Anastasia “This is great, thank you so much! You are absolutely amazing! I did not want to lose my man forever, I truly love my guy and didn't know what to do bring him back to me, and I wanted to better understand what I'm doing wrong in my relationship that I maybe cannot see without an outside, fresh set of eyes and ears. I did exactly what you told me and based off your book and it worked. He's in all the way!”

Rachelle “I am so happy I found you Anna! Your emails have helped my relationship tremendously. I understand my guy so much better and have seen a definite improvement in our relationship since I have been reading your articles. Thank you!”

Kyra “What you do to help people is amazing. Thank you. I never put too much stock in astrology because the usual description of me is so far off the mark for me- but after reading a few things on Him and realizing it fit him to a T, I decided it was time to look more deeply into it. Your book is an amazingly valuable resource.”

Janine “Thank you so much for these wonderful series and information. It is so informative and I have loved reading your book, especially on how to get him back.”

Lea “I want to say thank you for your whole series. I wish I had this series when I just turned thirty twenty years ago. I met a wonderful Virgo man.”

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