Virgo Man Horoscope for July 2024

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Are you wondering how July is going to treat your Virgo man? Check out the monthly horoscope predictions for a Virgo man...

Welcome Sweethearts to the horoscope reading for your Virgo man for July. Can you believe it? We have passed the solstice, we’re into July, and 2024 is simply motoring along. However, the flavor of this month is very different.

So far in the year, we’ve had quite a lot to process in terms of Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn, and also Neptune, but this month, it’s Pluto that is triggered, and several times, as Mercury, Venus, and the Sun enter Leo.

The energies are a lot more intense, feelings are stirred at a deep level and there’s a great opportunity for transformation, but sometimes the more thorny issues in relationships simmer below the surface.

Remember, with Pluto, all is not always what it seems. Sometimes what is essential is invisible, and you have to be intrepid, observant, and use your perceptive power to understand what’s really going on in your relationship.

So, this is a month to be savvy, to also be a little bit self-protective and wise. Let’s have a look in detail and try to understand how you should play the game with your Virgo man.

Here’s what the stars have in store for a Virgo man this July…

Mercury enters Leo on the 3rd of July

Mercury entering Leo may sound like a placement that’s conducive to lots of conversation, playful dating, and activity. However, for Virgo Man, this is quite a serious, contemplative placement, particularly as Mercury is opposite Pluto, which is in his solar sixth house, Aquarius. 

Now, what does this mean? This means he can be deep in thought and a little bit hard to reach. You may find him slightly cool, wanting his space, and more interested in boundaries. Respect is key right now. You don’t want to do anything that imposes on his privacy or creates a sense of anxiety.

Sometimes, he’s at a low ebb mentally; he lacks energy, feels overworked, and could be quite stressed. You want to lay off the emotional pressure and keep things light-hearted, positive, and cheerful.

This is a time when the more pessimistic side of Virgo can rear its head, so remember to stay optimistic and upbeat but don’t crowd him.

New Moon in Cancer – 5th of July

Generally, this placement means a great time for socializing, attending large events, and also for the friendship side of a relationship. However, because he is slightly more stressed and feeling under pressure, there may be less of a frivolous side to this placement.

This could be more about him having a kind of life audit. There may be a crisis of confidence or faith in what he’s doing, and he needs time to reflect on what he wants. This could mean that some of his priorities or needs in the relationship change. 

This is a good time for you both to really understand what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, what it means for the relationship, and what you both want in terms of your relationship.

In new relationships, it’s so important for you to have discussions early on about what you expect from each other so you can manage expectations. Therefore, the New Moon is great for a reset in terms of understanding goals and priorities going forward and coming into alignment.

Read alsoWhat 2024 New Moon in Cancer Means for You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Venus enters Leo on the 12th of July

Venus entering Leo, particularly because it’s opposite Pluto as it does so, brings a touch of magic and enchantment to your love life. However, there’s a delicate balance because Virgo Man is a lot more sensitive and perceptive; he picks up on anything subtle.

What’s important in love is to be classy and compassionate; empathy is everything. What you don’t want to do right now is be over the top. There’s no need to be particularly gregarious or to lay it on thick. All you really need to do is to be a good friend and confidant.

This is a time when, in really good relationships, you begin to share secrets and totally trust each other. If you find that he’s cool and detached, maybe you haven’t reached the level that you think you are at in your relationship, and there needs to be a little bit more empathy to take the relationship to the next phase.

Mars enters Gemini and the Sun enters Leo on the 21st of July

This represents quite an ambitious but also vulnerable time for a Virgo man. There may be a need for him to focus on his work to get to the next level. It could be that he needs to make presentations or be more visible, which can be uncomfortable for him.

Virgos are the kind of people who often prefer to work in the background; they’re not really good at being pushy. Yet, what’s needed right now for him to be successful is a certain amount of selfishness and egotism.

Encourage him in his career to think big, push harder, and not let his innate shyness and modesty hold him back. Sometimes modesty is his enemy in terms of his career, but if he thinks big, this is a great time for him to forge a good path for himself and your future.

Mercury enters Virgo – 26th of July

This is a really positive time for Virgo. Mercury is his ruling sign, and it’s obviously very at home in Virgo. This brings a lighthearted sense of fun and playfulness; it brings out his humor, which is particularly good for brand new relationships where you’re developing an understanding.

While he’s been just a tad reclusive, maybe a little bit stressed out, vulnerable to criticism, and less easygoing, this is definitely a time when you can both enjoy activities, socialize, and start making the most of life. So, it’s a good sign now it’s the end of the month to schedule some fun activities.

Themes for a Virgo Man this July 2024

One of the big themes is understanding. It’s very important to understand him a little bit deeper and also to know when you need space and to take a step back. It can be a good time for rejigging the relationship, establishing some new, more authentic directions, and just being totally honest.

The honesty needs to come from within both of you and then between you as a natural, organic flow. Good relationships are about couples who constantly reassess, evaluate, and have a mindful approach to life. He can be perfectionistic and a little bit anxious, so it’s important to avoid pressure or ultimatums.

Magic Motto – “Love is a special magic with it’s own ever changing rules.”

Magic Text – “I want our relationship to epitomize the greatest expression of our person power.”


The moon waxes from the 5th to the 19th of the month, and this is the two week period of the New Moon and is most favorable for brand new goals, date nights, romance, and doing things for the first time. This is his launch pad where he can be entrepreneurial and take on new challenges.

A great time for psychological renewal, affirmations, creative visualization, and gaining insight. This is a great time for artistic work. It’s also a good time for retreats and meditation. A time to deal with any repressed anger honestly. Dreams are more vivid and should be analyzed. Affirmations and positive thinking are very important.

This is also an excellent time to be attending large scale events like concerts and festivals together. Hanging out with friends and networking, for business or pleasure, are also favourable activities. The friendship side of relationships is enhanced.

This is a great time for couples with similar political and social interests. It’s a good time for any social media projects he’s involved in. New business ventures in science and technology are favored.

The waxing phase is still good for health and fitness goals as well as improving holistic wellness and work-life balance, but it’s not good from brand new diet or fitness plans, he should stick with what he’s doing. Delegating and outsourcing is not favored. Not a great time for him to change job. Getting a pet and work with animals is not favoured.


Avoid taking him for granted, and remember to focus on a balance of give and take, it’s easy for Virgo Guy to feel unappreciated or taken advantage of, even if that isn’t the case, so make sure you work hard at appreciation and gratitude.

July 2024 Horoscope for a Virgo Man

Week 1: Mission Statement 

This is the week of the New Moon in Cancer which is sextile Mars in Taurus and trine Saturn, which is excellent for establishing concrete and inspiring goals for the relationship and working hard at commitment.

Relationships become a lot stronger right now, but that strength comes from empathetic and detailed communication, true understanding, and tackling problems together. There is strength in teamwork and putting a combined effort into solving problems, achieving goals, and developing a kind of mission statement that says what you both want in life and out of love.

Week 2: It’s clicking 

The Sun trine Saturn and Mercury sextile Jupiter indicate this is a great week for love and romance. It’s wonderful for new relationships to become more serious, and it’s a very good time for cooperation, peacemaking, and fun in existing relationships.

This is a great time to go ahead and have date nights, entertain, and have a chilled time either alone or with family members. This is one of the most enjoyable weeks when things in the relationship feel on an even keel, you guys are really beginning to click and your life makes sense.

Week 3: Make memories 

Mars’ conjunction with Uranus in Taurus this week is a big deal because it’s the last time this conjunction will be happening for another 80 years. What does it mean for Virgo Man? It’s a great time for him to be more competitive.

It’s really important for him to promote himself in terms of his career because he could be noticed, headhunted, or achieve recognition. Just help him get that extra push to really grab the prize and understand his true potential.

It’s also an awesome time for adventure, so whether you are recently together or in a marriage, be a little bit pioneering. Set yourself a high goal and go for something that’s really going to get the wow factor going in your relationship and make a difference. Make this a time when you set a date or plan to do something particularly memorable.

Week 4: Cutting loose 

The Sun opposite Pluto and sextile Mars in Taurus indicate this is a good time for deeply personal goals. Sometimes, this is a great preparation phase. If there’s anything you guys feel you need to knuckle down to, this is the time.

In many ways, it can be a very creative time as well, so it’s about letting your imagination loose, maybe having a brainstorming session, or just getting together and going away to get away from it all.

In fact, sometimes what an existing or even a new relationship needs right now is for you guys to just pack the kids off to their grandmother and head away, whether sailing, to a log cabin, or just camping somewhere where you can tune out the hubbub and all the other influences. Get in touch with what you really want, and feel, and renew the relationship through undisturbed intimacy.


I feel that this could be quite a challenging month simply because there’s a high degree of self-honesty and authenticity needed, and sometimes some brave decisions are required. However, what you can do right now is totally reinvigorate your relationship through renewed goals, ideas, brainstorming, and problem-solving.

So, really, the power is in your hands. You can either feel a little bit negative like nothing particularly is going right, or you can use this as a huge wake-up call for a rethink that will put the relationship in the right direction. In new relationships, it’s so important to make sure that you are singing from the same hymn sheet early on.

Make your Virgo man OBSESSED…

Have you ever fantasized about being that irresistible woman in Netflix shows…

The one the leading man just CAN’T stop thinking about?

The sexy, affectionate protagonist would do anything for this woman…

He will go to extremes to get her attention and make her happy.

Now, let’s say the star of this show is your Virgo man…

And you are the filler character who is secretly in love with this gorgeous man…

But is unable to get his attention.

Why is that?

Because you don’t have that “wow factor” that the irresistible girl he’s in love with has.

Well, it’s time to change the narrative.

Imagine holding the secret to making your Virgo man utterly OBSESSED with you.

I’m talking head over heels, here.

The best part?

You don’t have to change who you are.

You just need to uncover the deeply guarded desiresneeds and fantasies

That simmer within your Virgo man.

I’m the most sought-after relationship astrologer

And I’ve created a list of actions, or as I prefer to call them…


This will instantly make him chase youlove you, and OBSESS over you.

You see, when you understand the unmet emotional needs of a Virgo man…

He almost instantly develops a whole new world of feelings for YOU.

He won’t be able to keep you out of his mind

Whether you’ve just caught his eye, have been dating for a while…

Are in a long-term relationship

Or even if he’s an ex you long to win back.

He will experience intense feelings he has never felt for anyone else.

Feelings he can’t ignore or suppress because you will connect to his heart in ways he instinctively responds to…

Precisely how you’ve always hoped he would.

Let’s get back to thinking about those captivating women on Netflix shows…

They seem to put men “under a spell.”

Well, that’s exactly the kind of enchantment I’m talking about.

And no, you won’t need a wand for this magic.

The Challenge will become your guide to getting to the heart and soul of your Virgo man…

And will take you to the heart of what makes him tick.

You’ll understand his deepest desires

And fulfill the emotional needs he may not even realize he has.

Through this step-by-step, day-by-day guide…

You’ll learn how to become the woman he finds UNFORGETTABLE.

The one who “got away”…

You’ll reignite his passion and capture his heart in ways he never imagined possible.

So much so that within just 30 days, you may completely transform your relationship…

Emotionallyphysically, and spiritually!

Click here to learn more about The 30-Day Love Challenge with your Virgo man.

I promise you’ll love it.

Sending you much love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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