Why Are Virgo Men Bad? Top 9 Virgo Men Negative Traits

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Sometimes Virgo men can be very frustrating. I’m here to break down the top nine Virgo men negative traits and tell you how to handle them.

There’s something a lot of my clients are interested in knowing… Sometimes their Virgo men can be very frustrating, and they can’t figure them out, so they are wondering why Virgo men are bad.  Well, I’m here to break down the top nine Virgo men negative traits—and tell you how to handle them…

Virgo men definitely have their dark side, they have negative traits that can make them quite toxic in love. Are you interested in finding out what these traits are?

Then keep reading to find out more about how you can handle the Virgo man dark side in a relationship. You’re going to need them if you want to be with a Virgo man!

Why Are Virgo Men So Hard To Understand?

Virgo men overthink. They are a bit of slow movers and require a partner who will have the patience to wait them out and let the relationship build over time. Rushing them will result in them letting go and walking away.

There are far many other things that can be learned about the Virgo man, but your impatience contributes to not understanding him. He lacks communication skills and spends a lot of time in his head over-analyzing.

Virgo man is emotionally distant and difficult to read because he keeps his feelings hidden. He fears being hurt and is a very vulnerable person. Of course, you cannot read his mind so you’ll have to work on getting him to open up to you.

So, Here Are The Top 3 Virgo Men Bad Traits

Perfectionist & Overly Critical

No matter what it is he’s doing, he’s going to make sure that he is as perfect as possible. This includes relationships. He doesn’t like to do anything halfway. So when he dedicates himself; he’s “all in”.

A Virgo man will also scrutinize every facet of the relationship he’s in. This could seem critical to his partner, so I consider this to be one of Virgo man’s dark traits.

However, if you can understand this is just part of his personality; he may not seem as harsh. He could benefit from learning how to tell you that your hair looks messy without saying you look like a total mess. He could gently fix your hair with his fingers and make it look presentable again.

A Virgo man has to learn a little how to pull back and has to be more tactical. He has to learn to compromise.

Overly Analytical & Fault-Finding

This guy is always analyzing everything going on around him. He analyzes his relationships, his work, his friends, and every other aspect of his life. He wants to know how everything works.

A Virgo man wants to know how his partner thinks and operates. When he’s making decisions; he’ll look at the ins and outs of the whole situation which could make him seem like he’s stalling.

The Virgo man simply wants to be sure that he’s doing what he thinks is best. He can sometimes beat himself up if he doesn’t do something with full potential or at least perceives it that way.

This guy is sharp-witted and intellectually driven. He’ll always be thinking about something so it won’t be unusual at all if you look over at him and see him spacing out. He’s probably trying to solve something in his mind.

If he is convinced he is right, he might unfairly accuse you of being wrong without thinking through from your own perspective.

He Loves Routine & Plans in Advance

This earth Zodiac sign will strive to set a routine that works well for his life. Whether it’s work or love; he wants things to be steady and flow well each day and relatively the same way.

He likes being able to predict how the day should go. What he doesn’t realize is that life always throws us curve balls and not everything abides by a routine. A Virgo man needs a woman who can teach him to color outside of the lines sometimes.

He will strive for success and make goals that he knows he will reach within a certain amount of time. He is always searching for his soul mate and will do everything he can to find her.

The Virgo man is hard-working. Not only does he want to reach his goals, but he also wants to make sure that success is always in his hands in every facet of his life. He hates surprises and spontaneity, so this is rather a negative trait of a Virgo man, than a positive one.

He can kill romance and might not be able to avoid being tense. Virgo man makes the impression that he is simply not enjoying life and that everything he does, he does because he thoroughly planned it.

Are Virgo Men Toxic In Love? 3 Virgo Man Toxic Traits

A Virgo Man Seeks Perfection In Love

When a Virgo man is in love; he’ll be incredibly faithful, loving, stable, and maybe a little predictable. He isn’t spontaneous by nature but if he’s with a woman who is spontaneous; he’ll learn how to be more open to the flow of life.

He will do everything within his power to make sure that the relationship succeeds. If he doesn’t it’s only because he knows that it’s not going to work. If he finds something about his partner he cannot live with; he’ll exit.

When he does, it seems cold and callous or as though he is confused. He isn’t confused. He realizes that there is something about his partner he cannot cope with or learn to accept so he just lets go to move on.

Again, he’s always looking for his soul mate and he will absolutely continue to search until he feels he’s found her. This could make him seem flaky or “hard to get”. He just knows what he wants.

When he is in love; he will give his partner the world if he can. He needs lots of assurance and stability from his lady love. He needs to know she’s going to stand the test of time.

A Virgo Man Wants A Partner With A Perfect Body

Virgos are known for their love of keeping in shape, exercising, and eating healthy. This can get out of hand, though.

It is very common to have a Virgo boyfriend who spends hours at the gym six days a week. And when you come over for something to eat, he may only have lettuce, nuts, and mineral water in the kitchen (ugh!).

Dinner dates can leave you nervous as he orders his grilled chicken, brown rice with tofu, and sparkling water, when all you want is a juicy cheeseburger with fries and a soda.

Always being reminded of the ways you contrast with him—maybe you don’t work out often and love the occasional greasy meal—would make anyone insecure!

Here’s more on what a Virgo man likes and dislikes in a woman.

YOU May Feel Neglected

Virgos are workaholics. They will not come home until every task is checked off their list and every problem is solved at the office. It’s probably no surprise that Virgos have a reputation for being “Employee of the Month.”

He may even bring work home at night and on the weekends.

Now, you need to realize that his work is very important to him, and you shouldn’t interfere, but if he starts writing emails on his mobile while you’re on dates and has no time for you, you need to have this mature conversation…

Having less time for you will make you feel lonely. Unless you bring this to his attention, he will think that everything between you and him works just fine.

You may also want to readQuestions To Ask A Virgo Man To Spark His Interest

3 Virgo Man Red Flags That Should Not Be Ignored

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality

This guy is a bit of a perfectionist for sure and can exhibit signs of OCD. That could mean his house is “white glove” clean. He may also be very tidy in his appearance as he always wants to look the part of what he is trying to achieve.

He is always using his brain and sometimes doesn’t trust his heart. This is where he may need a bit of help balancing things in his life. He’ll need a partner who can show him how important it is to also trust his heart.

Virgo men will naturally wash their hands a million times a day and freak out if anything is out of place. It shifts their balance. When he is with you, he watches everything you do and orders you around, and this could be a little too much, don’t you agree?

Nervous Behavior

Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury—and Mercury carries with it nervous energy passed on to Virgo. With this nervous energy, Virgos can become extremely critical.

Virgos need to have everything in place. Everything needs to be perfect for these guys, and if they perceive something as being off, they will criticize.

These are not the type of men you ask, “Honey, does my bum look big in this?” They won’t wait for you to ask—they will just straight out say, “Sweetie, you really need to hit the gym, look at your bum.”

He doesn’t mean to be nasty—he thinks he’s helping! But this Virgo man trait can really hurt your feelings because sometimes his comments are so unexpected.

A Lack Of Communication

Virgo men are introverts. They like to keep to themselves as much as possible. Most of the time you spend together will be at home or possibly in nature with no one around.

Sure, that’s romantic, but you want more. Maybe you want to go to trendy nightclubs or to the movies more often—just regular couple things. But more often than not, he’ll just want to Netflix and chill and this for sure, is a red flag.

Read alsoHow To Get A Virgo Man To Open Up (Effective Ways)

How To Deal With A Virgo Man’s Bad Attitude

If your Virgo man is critical of you, you need to sit down with him and say something like, “I appreciate that you’re always honest with me and only want what’s best for me, but sometimes your comments really hurt my feelings. Remember when (describe the situation)? Next time, say it gently, or don’t say it all. Wait for me to ask.“

When the two of you have a mature conversation about it, over time, your Virgo man should become less critical.

On the other hand, if your Virgo man wants solitude, he is not just going to suddenly flip from hiding in his shell to taking center stage at the club.

Start off by inviting mutual friends and having dinners together at trendy restaurants where you know he can find a dish he’ll love. Then take him to dancing spots with a mature vibe that play the music he loves.

Just remember, your Virgo man needs at least a couple of days during the week to recharge his batteries on his own, so give him time to do his own thing.

If you feel he has been neglecting you due to his busy schedule at work, you need to sit down with your Virgo man and simply say, “Honey, I see you are inundated with work and don’t have much time for us right now. So, I’m going to go out with my friends more and do things I need to do while you’re busy. But in the meantime, can you please look at your calendar and find some “us” time? I’ll get back to you when you’ve sent me your schedule.”

This may seem a bit harsh, but it accomplishes two important things. First, you’re telling him you have high standards and aren’t willing to be ignored. Second, he gets to do his favorite thing in the world—which is creating routine and structure. It’s his homework, and he can relate to it.

End Anxiety About Your Virgo Man TODAY…

It can be SO painful to worry about how to make things work with a Virgo man who won’t commit.

I know. I’ve been there with many of my friends dating Virgo guys.

I remember my very close friend crying herself to sleep at night, worried that her man would never commit to her.

She lost sleep, time, and even work hours, all because she couldn’t figure out how to capture his heart and get him to commit.

As a friend, it was hard to watch her go through that.

But I knew how good he was for her, and I didn’t want her to give up on him.

Even when our other friends were telling her to move on, I could see that he was the most incredible man she had ever met.

How could she just give up on that?

But it wasn’t easy. 

It took a LOT of work.

She had to learn how to speak a different language… HIS love language.

And it worked!!!

So if you are ready to sleep like a baby…

Knowing your Virgo man is MADLY in love with you…

And never feel anxious about him again…

Click here to see how to speak your Virgo man’s love language.

Sending you love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer, 

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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