Virgo Man Horoscope for September 2024

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer

Hello my dear, and welcome to the horoscope reading for your Virgo man for September. Schools are basically back in session right now, and the mentality is somewhat more focused, a little bit more organized, and perhaps the memories of summer are beginning to fade.

However, it’s a brand new season and a chance to do a little bit of a relationship reboot. In terms of those in the Southern Hemisphere, you’ve finished a long winter, you’re aching for spring to begin, and so you guys are also feeling in the mood for some inspiration.

So I want to inspire you this month about your relationship with a Virgo man because there’s so much to be gained. There’s a lot of exciting activity which leads to some romance, a more productive frame of mind, with an important acknowledgement of a need for flexibility and compassion.

We have lots of planetary changes this month, and in general, I’m feeling a very different energy. We’ve got Mercury now direct, we’ve got Mars changing signs early in the month, so there certainly is a different flavor to September.

There’s something subtle, sweet, and delicate about it, and we need to get going and analyze the potentials.

Here’s what the stars have in store for a Virgo Man this September…

New Moon in Virgo – 2nd September

They say in the theatre world, “break a leg,” now obviously we don’t mean that literally but this is certainly a time when you should encourage your Virgo man to step into the limelight, to make the most of himself and it may be a good idea to encourage him to get a few new pieces for his wardrobe, a new hairstyle, take on a different look and just send out a message to the universe that he is going to make the rest of the year count and really set his world alight.

This is a wonderful time to initiate, for new intentions and for just taking life by the scruff of the neck and being proactive. Sometimes he is a little bit fatalistic and he can feel that what’s meant to be is meant to be, but this is a time to set an intention, to create a strategy and jump right in.

It’s a period where he should be more adventurous and you should definitely push himself to the next level. Even if your Virgo man is a little bit older or maybe he’s not in good health, this is a wonderful time for him to be using positive thinking to supercharge his well-being because it can increase his vitality along with a little bit of determination and effort on his diet.

Mars enters Cancer – 5th September

Now this is an exciting and busy transit, it certainly favors a Virgo man’s social life, so if you are a couple who enjoy being out and about and doing activities with your friends, this is perfect, but it’s also great for improving your relationship through positive associations with other people and this can be by joining new clubs and organizations connected with sports, or anything else that interests you as a couple.

He is certainly eager to expand right now, he can be restless and gets easily bored, so it’s important that your social life is active and there’s plenty of things going on other than just work and the normal routine. He’s feeling pretty spontaneous and rather confident right now, so it’s certainly a good time to tackle things that normally seem a little bit intimidating.

Any relationship that is newly started will feel exciting right now, he is likely heavily engaged in his new romance, the butterflies are going and as long as you show a lot of enthusiasm, everything is on the up.

Mercury enters Virgo – 10th September

Mercury going direct into his sign is a great signal for all matters to do with communication, expressing himself verbally, making a good impression and generating ideas.

This is a great time for lateral thinking, for creative thinking and using his imagination, so you should be encouraging your Virgo Man to do activities that he finds rewarding in a creative and spiritual sense.

This can be a great time for meditation and alternative ways to relax and gain healing, very often acupuncture, acupressure or reiki are vital for balancing his energy and helping him to achieve inner peace and calm.

So while Mercury in Virgo often indicates a time of busyness, variety, pursuing different goals and traveling, for a Virgo man, it should also be contemplative, it should be about generating ideas and finding ways to generate an inner sense of calm and avoid conflict.

Sun enters Libra – 23rd September

During this period it’s important to be a cognizant of your financial position, particularly if you’re in a committed relationship. Sometimes there are things to deal with in terms of money, and in general this is a good time to cut back, be a bit more frugal and cautious.

This tends to stimulate a more conservative side of his nature and therefore don’t push his boundaries or encourage any spending, and be careful with initiating large purchases, because this can make him a little bit edgy.

During this phase, a lot of focus is needed to keep things going, so even the good things in your life cannot be taken for granted and you have to be aware of things on the horizon too, and that’s why you need to be really conscious right now.

In terms of dating, he is definitely eager for commitment early on in a relationship and is very sensitive to any signs of flirting or infidelity.

Venus enters Scorpio – 24th September

What a great time for a romantic getaway or for engineering a period where you can have date nights or exciting trips to theater or interesting local events. This is also good time for you and Virgo Man to spend moments with mutual friends, to let your hair down and to enjoy yourselves.

As a partner, it’s vital to be diplomatic and resourceful in the way you communicate, this is definitely a time to avoid conflict and thorny issues, to be positive and focus on the fun side of life.

This is certainly a great time for developing your love language and in new relationships it’s important to have in-house jokes, special words and pet names.

Mercury enters Libra – 27th September

Now this is certainly a good indication for any of your financial and investment plans, it also represents a great time for getting your thinking caps on, preparing budgets and beginning to get into gear and understanding what your spending priorities for the year should be.

This is also a really good time for you guys to chat about the practical issues in your relationship regarding the levels of affection and tenderness. If you feel that your Virgo Man has been a bit remote, this is a period when you should make time for that quality time because it’s all about quality time in love and paying intense attention to each other right now.

Themes for a Virgo Man this September 2024…

September, of course, is very likely to be his birthday month, but obviously Virgo Men are often born in August as well. There is a sense of renewal and excitement, but also of frustration.

It’s very important to be encouraging and to have conversations with a Virgo man. We know he doesn’t always like to open up, so your goal is to help him feel understood and to be a partner who seems like a stable and common-sense foil for his conflicting emotions.

Right now, he can sometimes be a little bit emotional, but he also conceals it and tries to see reason. You have to make sure he focuses on the right things because he can easily be misled in the short term before he gets on the right track.

Magic Motto – “Our love is a wonderful process of blending the ideal with the pragmatic in a magical way.”

Magic Text – “I’m just as ready to understand you as I am to rip your clothes off and treat you, as long as we are getting closer.”


The moon waxes from the 2nd to the 17th of the month and this fortnight is ideal for initiating projects, beginning brand new activities, being proactive and more risqué or audacious. After the 17th is the time for more caution, reflection and to take a slightly more measured approach.

This is a really good phase for romance within established partnerships and real pleasure is possible, however if the relationship is a little bit superficial and there’s no real passion, or a strong sense of attachment or meaningful communication, these relationships may seem hardly worse pursuing and you may both be in the process of beginning to drift apart.


Marriage and engagement are not favored. This is not a good time to rely on advice from others. Cooperation and team-work is more difficult. Not a good time to initiate new business deals or legal matters.

This is not a favorable time for negotiations, mediation and new business dealings. Marriage counseling in not successful. This is also not a good time for discussions and planning with a marriage partner. Team work is unsuccessful.

September 2024 Horoscope for a Virgo Man (week by week)

Week 1: Moments in time 

Now, Mercury has yet to enter Virgo, and it’s square Uranus in Taurus. Plus, we have Mars in Gemini square Neptune. This increases his levels of self-doubt and self-criticism, so this is a time when he’s often questioning himself and not sure if he’s doing the right thing. He’s very vulnerable to criticism, and it’s also a time when he feels quite flustered, a little bit stressed, and things just don’t go to plan.

For both of you, it’s important to take each moment at a time rather than each day at a time because it’s all change, and you don’t need to pre judge a situation.

It’s also important not to press the panic button and not to jump all in on a decision because you simply don’t know enough yet. So, reserve judgment is the key phrase for this week. Support each other, and understand that compassion is the key to passion.

Week 2: Get connected 

Now, the Sun in Virgo is opposite Saturn in Pisces and then goes on to square Jupiter in Gemini. This is definitely an ambitious time for him. The more you support his overall goals and are a partner who understands the needs he has in terms of his work, the better.

Right now, he is looking to you to be consistent in his life. There are many things he feels a little bit anxious about; he’s edgy, he has some self-doubt, and he has a great deal of determination, but the first steps in any new direction are tentative for him, and it is a time when that Virgo perfectionism and self-critical streak can rear its head.

As a partner, you need to be down to earth, loyal, and also a little bit stubborn. You need to know how to hold your ground; don’t let him sow seeds of confusion in your mind.

Remember, romance is about practical things that lead to positive, affectionate outcomes. That means good nutrition, perhaps nice walks together in the outdoors, and doing things that are natural and help him connect with nature and ground himself.

Week 3: Be like a sponge 

Now, the Sun in Virgo is opposite Neptune in his seventh house, which is the house of marriage. This is not a time when commitment is easy for him. If you guys are in a dating relationship, he’s unlikely o want to change anything right now. In fact, if anything, he may need to take a step back and do more thinking.

It’s important to deal with him, whether married or dating, in an intuitive way, less is more. Don’t over-communicate right now; too much texting, too many phone calls, or too much information could actually send the whole relationship into a tailspin.

So, it’s really a time of coasting along, showing understanding in practical ways, and avoiding lengthy conversations or an over-focus on facts. Try to just see the bigger picture and absorb things about the relationship rather than reacting.

Week 4: Turn up the heat

Venus in Scorpio is square Pluto, and Mercury in Virgo is opposite Neptune. This is a really good time for romance, but the key to love right now is a little bit of mystery. What he enjoys is something that feels exotic and stimulates all his senses.

So, this is your time to be incredibly romantic and creative in romance. Whether it’s using music, poetry, communicating in novel and different ways, or tapping into that very imaginative Virgo side.

I’s ideal if you happen to be a good writer as writing a short love story about you both is fabulous or, alternatively, creating a little montage of your relationship to go with music as a short video to send can be very effective. Again, don’t let words get in the way; use images, and remember the adage: a picture’s worth a thousand words.


Love for Virgo man is significant but complicated. Relationships can certainly be deepened, but it’s all about being grounded, using common sense, and doing sensible things to enhance the relationship.

It’s not a time for clichés or quick fixes. The first three weeks are about core understanding, support, and some compassion. Then, you turn up the dial on intimacy and passion, and you can get a lot more creative as the month ends in an extremely exciting and romantic way.

Make your Virgo man OBSESSED…

Have you ever fantasized about being that irresistible woman in Netflix shows…

The one the leading man just CAN’T stop thinking about?

The sexy, affectionate protagonist would do anything for this woman…

He will go to extremes to get her attention and make her happy.

Now, let’s say the star of this show is your Virgo man…

And you are the filler character who is secretly in love with this gorgeous man…

But is unable to get his attention.

Why is that?

Because you don’t have that “wow factor” that the irresistible girl he’s in love with has.

Well, it’s time to change the narrative.

I’ve created a list of actions, or as I prefer to call them…


This will instantly make him chase youlove you, and OBSESS over you.

You see, when you understand the unmet emotional needs of a Virgo man…

He almost instantly develops a whole new world of feelings for YOU.

He won’t be able to keep you out of his mind

Whether you’ve just caught his eye, have been dating for a while…

Are in a long-term relationship

Or even if he’s an ex you long to win back.

He will experience intense feelings he has never felt for anyone else.

Feelings he can’t ignore or suppress because you will connect to his heart in ways he instinctively responds to…

Precisely how you’ve always hoped he would.

The Challenge will become your guide to getting to the heart and soul of your Virgo man…

And will take you to the heart of what makes him tick.

You’ll understand his deepest desires

And fulfill the emotional needs he may not even realize he has.

Through this step-by-step, day-by-day guide…

You’ll learn how to become the woman he finds UNFORGETTABLE.

The one who “got away”…

You’ll reignite his passion and capture his heart in ways he never imagined possible.

So much so that within just 30 days, you may completely transform your relationship…

Emotionallyphysically, and spiritually!

Click here to learn more about The 30-Day Love Challenge with your Virgo man.

I promise you’ll love it.

Sending you much love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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