How to Seduce a Virgo Man And Make Him Want YOU

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Discover how to seduce a Virgo man and what turns him on faster than a skimpy skirt. Here is 6 absolutely best ways to seduce a Virgo guy.

Virgo men are not like other men. Integrity and being useful at work and around those they love is very important to these guys.

They tell it like it is, and they don’t easily fall into the “charmer” or “rogue” or “doormat” or any other standard male archetype.

They love being in love and see it intimacy as part of being a healthy functional human being, but they don’t always understand how emotion works.

Virgo men tend to give more credence to their minds at the expense of their emotions, so prepare to meet some baggage on the way.

This is how to seduce a Virgo man:

His passion is a slow burning fire rather than an instant conflagration, so show off your inner beauty and let him see the real you, and let him come to you and show off his considerable skills in love.

Be patient

A Virgo man takes his time to really open up, and he likes to have a firm basis of trust in place before he gets down to intimacy, so if you really want to explore the physical side of him, be patient and let him make all the moves.

Playing hard to get or chasing him too strenuously will confuse or put him off. Make yourself available, show off your best side, and let him take his time to come to you.

Listen Closely


Virgo men are ruled by Gemini the planet of the intellect and communication, so he likes to talk things through and he lives mostly in his head. Sensuality, sex, and intimacy are all concepts to him until he reveals his earthy side.

Until that happens you need to practice the gentle art of conversation and engage with him on all issues under the sun. Talking about his work is important to a Virgo man, so show some genuine interest and he will be charmed.

Respect His Boundaries

Virgo men are self-sufficient creatures who need their time alone. They aren’t ruled by their genitals like many many are, and tend to think quite carefully before jumping into a relationship.

So you need to understand that when he is not with you he is probably just doing his thing, and don’t be clingy or needy.

Not all Virgos are tidy neat freaks, if you land with an untidy one don’t try to sort his world out. There is a method to his madness and he doesn’t like intrusions into the little bubble he lives in, where everything has a reason and a place.

Respect that and you are halfway there to seduce your Virgo man.

Be Upfront


Virgo men are authentic souls who say what they mean and mean what they say. You always know where you stand with them, and they respond very well to calm and clear communication.

If you want him, let him know and even go so far as to tell him what you want to do with him or to him. Let him know how you would like him to touch you. Then give him some time to think it over and prepare to be pleasantly surprised.

Be Detached

Messy emotional displays and childish tantrums are a big turn off for a Virgo man. He feels very deeply, but he is constantly rationalizing his feelings. He will be very upfront with you about where he is at, and you should respect that.

If he says he isn’t ready for a relationship he means it and you should take that seriously to seduce a Virgo man.

Many women can learn a lot about being authentic in courtship from a Virgo man, as long as you don’t take what appears to be coldness from his side, as a lack of interest. He is just testing the water and you should show him what you have to offer instead of wondering why he isn’t jumping in.

Appreciate His Skills

Virgo men love to feel useful and they get a big kick out of being of service. This is the kind of man who will fix whatever he can in your life, and they are often healers who only show their power when they are invited in.

Virgo men are also quite adept as lovers once they understand your style of loving, they can adapt to suit your needs, so be clear with this man about what you want. You never know, he may have exactly what you need.


You need some inside information to successfully seduce a Virgo man. Get the lowdown from astrologer and relationship veteran Anna Kovach.

Her in-depth guide: Virgo Man Secrets has the inside track with all the tips, tricks and advice you need. It’s the only astrology guide you will ever need.

Do you know how to seduce a Virgo man?

Your friend and Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

2 thoughts on “How to Seduce a Virgo Man And Make Him Want YOU

  1. I am a virgo myself and l am stuck between he likes me and he doesn’t, yet I am also afraid of rejection in words I can’t explain so if you are up for help I am waiting

    1. Hi Private*sory!

      When you’re unsure, you’ve got to be totally honest and ask him what it is he sees between you. Ask him what he wants. When you do this you should gain the clarity you need in order to figure out what is next. Don’t be afraid. You’ve got to be open with Virgo. They absolutely need it. I wish you all the best!

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