How to Get a Virgo Man to Open Up and Share His Feelings

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
What if I told you that there are simple things you can do to get the Virgo man to let his guard down and open up to you? In this article, I will be sharing three ways to get the Virgo man to share his heart with you.

When it comes to dating men born under the sixth sign of the zodiac, the Virgo man is known for his love of serving others, maintaining an organized work-life balance, and taking care of his health. 

As logical mutable earth signs, Virgo men are practical lovers. They want to build a long-lasting love that makes them feel appreciated and cared for. They want a family (or business or community) to take care of and provide for. 

However, these Mercury-ruled men struggle with living in the moment and staying out of their own heads. They tend to be extreme nitpickers and overthinkers during stressful times.

In relationships, the Virgo man’s sensitivity to dysfunction and taking on other people’s problems can cause him to emotionally detach or even mentally shut down. 

As a relationship astrologer, I’ve found that when a Virgo man turns cold, it’s like talking to a ghost. He doesn’t argue or lose his cool, he just disappears. 

But what if I told you that it didn’t have to be this way? 

What if I told you that there are simple things you can do to get the Virgo man to let his guard down and open up to you?

In this article, I will be sharing three ways to get the Virgo man to share his heart with you.

Keep reading to find out how! 

3 Ways to Get a Virgo Man to Open Up and Share His Feelings

1. Have a Healthy Mindset 

Have a Healthy Mindset When Getting A Virgo Man To Open Up 

It’s no secret that Virgo is the sign that rules health and wellness. 

Because he is ruled by Mercury, the planet of thought and communication, the Virgo man is also closely in-touch with his mental health.

In relationships, his connection to mental health means that he feels most comfortable and emotionally vulnerable with a woman who understands his need for a positive and peaceful environment. 

He needs someone who is calm-natured and emotionally mature. He will only open his heart to someone who respects him and his dedication to maintaining his mental health. 

For example, the Virgo man is a mutable earth sign, which means that he is not living the fast life. He is grounded and in control, even when he is uncertain or just going with the flow.

Someone who is naturally goal-oriented and easily excitable may disturb Virgo’s adaptable nature. He won’t mix well with someone who is heavily opinionated and always looking for a fight. 

If you want to earn his love, you’ll need to bring peace to his heart and his mind. 

Show him that you can be cool, calm and collected. Encourage him to be better, in a kind way, and you’ve got a friend for life. 

2. Make Him Feel Appreciated Making Him Feel Appreciated 

As a selfless supporter, the Virgo man is always going above and beyond for the people at his job, in his community, and especially for his family and those he loves. 

So, when it comes to his romantic relationships, the Virgo man is most attracted to the woman who represents his equal, not another project or person who will depend on him for her every need. 

The best way to get him to open to you based on this reasoning, is to be the one he can lean on during tough times, instead of the other way around.

If he’s always surprising you with small gifts and little tokens of love that brighten your day, turn around and do the same for him. 

One thing I’ve noticed over the years is that Virgo men really appreciate acts of service rather than physical goods. 

For example, you can cook him his favorite meal, buy a ticket to a sports game or recreational activity that he likes, give him some time away with his friends if you have a busy life, and especially if you have kids. 

By showing the Virgo man that you appreciate him, you show him that his heart is in good hands, and that you are emotionally mature enough to both give and receive love. 

3. Follow His Pace

How to Get a Virgo Man to Open Up

If you asked the Virgo man what’s one of the most important aspects of a relationship, he would probably say timing. 

As a mutable earth sign, the last thing the Virgo likes to do is be rushed.

Known for his obsession with order, cleanliness, and efficiency, trust that the Virgo man will leave no detail unnoticed. 

Therefore, when it comes to love, the Virgo man is observant and opinionated. He knows exactly what he wants and is willing to take the long route until he’s assured that what he has with you is what he’s been searching for.

If you want someone who believes in love at first sight, sorry but the Virgo man is just not your guy. 

If you want him to open up and share his feelings with you, then you have to be patient and allow him to take his time. 

The best way to do this is to follow his pace. Go with the flow and allow him to take the lead.

When he’s ready to take things further with you, he will let you know. 

Virgo men will always wear their heart on their sleeve. 

Read next: 6 Tips for Handling a Virgo Man Who Sweats the Small Stuff

Final Thoughts

Now that you know my top three ways to get the Virgo man to open his heart and share his feelings with you, what are some ways that helped you get the Virgo man to open up? 

Have you tried any of the recommendations in this article? Did you find them helpful? 

Let me know your thoughts and Virgo man stories in the comments. I love to hear from you. 

And check out Virgo Man Secrets to learn more about your Virgo man and his feelings.

Your sister and friend, 

Anna Kovach 

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

4 thoughts on “How to Get a Virgo Man to Open Up and Share His Feelings

  1. So my Virgo I’ve known for a long long time , so I obviously became insanely attracted to him , but we started as friends and I’d never jeopardise losing the friendship as it’s true about his kindness and being a great communicator ! It’s also true about being eager to help , so nothing is worth losing that . So anyway I think the way I eventually was blessed by him opening up came after years of seeing how I handled my own crises and how I treated people , he’s such a deep kind helpful soul and now he openly comes to me when trouble hits or he’s feeling anxious , he never shows it but I know it and it’s a compliment when he thanks me for giving him kind words or wise words . So yeah just be kind , be centred and be real , he will open up in his time . I’m happy to be in love with this man and from the friendship point I’m happy to accept that . Who knows maybe he cares fir me more than a friend but again the way he cares for me as a friend I’ll take all day long . Let them open up to you like a flower , tend to it , give it nourishments and most importantly light . They love humour and it’s a break from they’re routines lol .

    1. Hi Merry!

      Ah yes… Virgo men are gorgeous creatures. If you don’t tell him how you feel then how will you ever progress into anything more? He may be thinking the same thing you are and is afraid of losing what you two have by telling you he wants more. Virgo men need to be told what you want otherwise they are oblivious. I’m not exaggerating either. Take a chance!!! You can learn more by reading my “Virgo Man Secrets” books.

  2. Thank you so much for this help Anna. You are the only astrologer I ask about my Virgo man. I will imemwnt the ideas you send me and let you k ow how it goes.

    1. Hi Nicole!

      You are so very welcome sweetheart. Thank you for your kind words. It’s nice to have affirmation that I’m giving out the proper advice. If you ever want more help, you could also purchase my guides on “Virgo Man Secrets” and get a consultation with me. I wish you all the luck of the universe!

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