Today we’ll talk about having a long distance relationship with a Virgo man. Have you been chatting online or via phone with a Virgo guy you like but aren’t sure if he’s the type that will withstand a long distance relationship?
Here are some things you should know about the victorious Virgo:
Can it Actually Work?
Any relationship is going to have trials and tribulations when it’s at a distance. To have a long distance relationship with a Virgo man will require lots of patience, travel, Face Time or Skype. Virgo men tend to want to talk via phone or via video.
He wants to see your beautiful face and hear your voice. Other men may not need that much contact and can settle for emails, texts, or social media messages. Virgo is ok with that sometimes but most of the time he prefers calls.
So you’ll need to prepare for the fact that he will probably call you a lot or ask you to call him. Video chatting may also be a nice thing to do so that you can see each other while you talk.
Ultimately, most long distance relationships are difficult. You’re not able to just drive over and spend time together. You’re often bound to only be able to see one another when either or both of you can actually afford to fly or drive.
In this case, as hard as it is, it IS possible to make it last with a Virgo. As long as there is a promise of there being a future of being absolutely together permanently.
Lots of Contacts
Virgo men typically want an independent type of woman anyway. So if you are a busy woman then a long distance relationship with a Virgo man may not be a huge issue. Though he does want to see or hear you.
That means that you’ll need to make sure that you have lots of contact with him. Whatever you two agree on is what you must abide by. He tends to want to get into some sort of routine he can depend on.
If you set up certain days and times to reach out to one another; this assures him that you’re going to be there for him. You may even plan your visits to see one another in this way as well.
Of course, if you live overseas that may be a bit more tricky travel wise. That would make it a bit more difficult to maintain and he’d definitely need some incentive of some kind to keep him interested.
As long as you keep communication open and spend lots of time talking to him, sending pictures, or doing whatever you can to have contact; it may work out for you.
Where Will You Be in the Future?
There always needs to be some kind of talk about what the future brings, what you both want, and what you plan to do in order to make it happen. If you only talk about mundane things; it will bore him.
He gets bored easily and so the object is to keep him engaged in conversation, keep him interested in the future, and give him a reason for wanting to wait for you. Otherwise, a long distance relationship with a Virgo man may not work so well.
He will make every effort to keep things going but you have to meet him halfway and do your part. If you do not, he’ll see this as a one-sided relationship and he may give it up to find someone close to him.
Reassurance for this man is absolutely necessary. He has to know that you two will end up together after all the waiting. If he thinks for one second that it may not happen he may bolt.
The Virgo man isn’t afraid to give it a shot but it will take much work for you both to keep those flames burning. Keep planning together and giving one another motivation.
There will be times where you will both wonder if it’s all worth it. If you two love each other though, you’ll keep fighting and going forward.
What Is Your End Goal?
Remember I mentioned that you need to assure him that there is a final outcome that shows you two together. So, if you have a long distance relationship with a Virgo man you need to talk about an end goal.
You’ll need to figure this out before you get involved with a Virgo man long distance. He doesn’t take a relationship lightly – even if you are far away. If you aren’t ready for that commitment; you’ll need to let him go his way.
If you think you ARE ready then you need to think of what it is you want to happen at the end of it all. How long will you stay where you are? Are you willing to move to where he is?
Is he going to be willing to move to where you are? These are things that absolutely must be discussed so that he’s got direction to work with. Important life values should be discussed as well.
It’s important to know if your values line up and if you want the same thing. Starting a relationship with a Virgo long distance is still a commitment and should be taken seriously.
He plays for keeps. Think about what you want and go with that. The sooner you figure that out the easier it will be to work on planning with your Virgo man.
The Whole Picture
Because of the Virgo’s need for personal freedom and space, he doesn’t consider a long distance relationship too much of a problem unless it goes on for too long without him having physical contact.
Pictures are great, videos are fun as is texting; he will want more over time. So eventually one of you will have to move in order to complete the relationship cycle together.
If you are both prepared to do this and find the compromise necessary to make it work, you absolutely CAN make your long distance relationship last for the duration.
Virgo men are sentimental and romantic. Click here to find out how much your Virgo man can please you.
I hope this helps give you the information you need to get your long distance relationship started and allow it to grow.
Have you ever been in a long distance relationship with a Virgo man?
Share your story (or situation) with our community in the comment section below (don’t worry, it’s anonymous).
Wishing you all the luck of the universe
Have been in a LDR with a Virgo man for 9 months and so far we are rocking it. We talk more than once a day for a minimum of 2 hours and stay emotionally connected. Time will tell where we end up. I appreciate all the advice from Anna as most of it is spot on with him.
I am learning patience that is much needed with him!
Hi Valerie! Your input is much appreciated. I’m glad to hear things are going so well with your Virgo guy. They don’t mind the long-distance as it gives them time to get to know their partner which helps them to feel more secure about where things are headed. Keep up the great work but if you find you have more questions, you should check out my book “Virgo Man Secrets”.
The constant regauging from the Virgo man can be weary some . We are planning for me to move to him but he is always reassessing decisions we have already made. He says he likes running by the seat of his pants but that shld not be true of a Virgo man, right?
Hi Lore! For most Virgo men, they like planning and organizing. However, in concerns of the heart, they tend to be unpredictable which is what makes them so confusing and frustrating. They are critical and analytical so it’s actually not uncommon for them to think about things, decide, then re-think and decide again, so on and so forth. They are not easy to deal with but once you’ve secured their heart, they are fully invested. Keep up with your plans but you might want to learn more about Virgo men. You can do that by checking out my book here.
I’m not in a long distance with my Virgo. We met about 1.5 ago and we just recently went on our “date”. I’ve read come across several blogs and articles and say they are slow moving and i can attest to this. At first it was frustrating but I believe it a test of patience i thought i had. It often feels like its long distance.
Hi Butterfly! So you feel that due to the slow-moving process, it seems as though it is a long-distance relationship even though it is not. I’m sorry to hear that but if you think your Virgo guy is worth it then you’ll be willing to give him the time he needs to feel comfortable and secure with you. Naturally, if you feel he’s taking too long and you find that it’s too much for you to handle, you can always try to move forward without him. Perhaps if you read my book, you’ll learn more things that will help you with your Virgo guy. Check out my book “Virgo Man Secrets”.
I’m also in a relationship with a Virgo guy. We live 45minutes’ drive from each other, we knew each other for some time now. I understood he had an eye on me for a long time, but since he had found that at that time i was seeing someone else, he kept himself far away. Through a common friend, we started to talk, got closer. We started dating about a month ago. We did “hit the hay”, and yes, i can attest to that Virgo guys are great between the sheets ?
He is sweet, attentive and nice mannered, while also with a healthy sense of humour. He helps me frequently with small works at home.
However, he doesn’t seem to be bothered too much that we cannot see each other as much as we’d like to.
Does it mean something that he found work in my city, through our common friend, and he should be starting work in 2days? That means he’d come to town 6days a week, whereas before we only see each other 2times a week, the rest is just calls and messages. Btw, not one day passes that he doesn’t at least write a message…
I wish i figured out what is in his head and mind regarding me, sometimes he acts detached…
I have dated a Virgo guy for 5 months long distance and everything seemed fine until I went out with work for a few weeks, the first week things seemed still fine but by the second week he started ignoring me and not taking my calls, once when I was back at home he popped in and asked me did I get my emails and I said no, than on monday morning I got a mail where he ended the relationship while I was still out with work.
I tried to cut ties but its hard due to what I feel for him. I move on but there comes specific days where I just miss him, the talking, the laughing and the love making. We not in a committed relationship anymore but we at times end up making love.
I don’t know what to think anymore. Please advise.
Have been in a long-distance connection/relationship with a Virgo man for over a year. I met him 40 years ago when he was 12 and I was 29. Teacher student. Then one day I received a text and our connection just took off. Emotional and spiritual mostly. Not yet physical. Maybe never like that. Met him a couple of times for short visits. Recently he blocked me on social media and ” ghosted me “. I think I caused that by saying things like it was never going to work out when he told me he was getting ready to come down. It’s a drive of some hours.He says I criticize him and hurt him and he wasn’t going to subject himself to that any more. So I said OK. I said goodbye. I wished him to be well and told him I would always love him. I think he exaggerates. I think I sabotaged the whole thing because I am always scared I’ll lose him. That was more than 8 weeks ago. Can’t get in touch. Miss him so much.
Hi Annie!
It definitely sounds like it hurt his feelings when you said it wasn’t going to work out. Yes, they blow things way out of proportion much of the time and that’s because they over-analyze everything. I think what you need to do is reach out to him and give him a heart felt apology for ever making him feel as though it wasn’t going to work. Tell him you deeply care for him and want to prove to him that you’d like to be with him. Call, write, text, message, whatever you can. If you know a friend of his you can always try to reach out to them and tell them to relay the message to him. You can find a way if you want him badly enough. All the best sweetheart!
Hi im Taurus and Im dating a virgo man long distance for 2 mos now who i been friends for 2 years. And in this early stage of our relationship we experience a lot. Planning for the future, each others dream to fullfill. Pass Personal problems together amd a lot of struggles a relationship we had. We are on the verge of breaking up now actually. But we talked about this and he said that he doesnt really want to break up with. He just trying to do that because his situation right now is hard. He might not giving me enough time and attention. And he is afraid that he might hurt me and lose me because of that. I dont want to give up on him just because of that. I really love him and im trying my best to tell him so he will realize that. After the talked we seems pass another obstacle in our relationship. We seems okay again now. I hope we will be okay for good. Can you tell me what should i have to do to make us okay again. Thanks
Hi Yetz!
Virgo men always seem to go for that near break up thing when they’re stressed out. Sometimes they’ll even say they are done or it’s over but they don’t really mean it. They are just upset. You have to keep proving to him that you’re not going to hurt him. Sometimes that takes a very long time. He has to learn to trust you and feel secure with you. Keep giving him reassurance as much as you can. Knowing you won’t leave will make him feel secure in his life and with the relationship.
I have been long distance with my Virgo man for over a year.
I do feel him pulling away because he believes his situation cannot give me what I need. He cant move at this time, and there are more reasons. I can get to him fairly regularly due to my flight benefits. It’s still hard. I am going to get the book. I would like to know more about what makes him tick. Right now, honestly I feel he is treating me unfairly mostly when I’m not there. I often feel hurt and disregarded.
Hi Kelly D Monge!
His self esteem is in the toilet because he cannot come to you. Having you always come to him makes him feel less of a man. He wants to be able to do for you and since he cannot, he feels that he cannot provide what you truly deserve. I understand how you feel but if you can understand his side then maybe you’ll know better what to do. I hope you do get the book as I believe it just may help you.
Hi Ana,
I went on looking for this because of quarentine and things are not so good for me.
I am a pisces woman dating a virgo man, and because of quarentine I had to go back to my home country.
We re dating for almost a year and honestly he is so complicated…
He is always behind , I feel like he is afraid of this relationship while me on the other hand I am always the one planning , talking about the future, almost forcing him to go foreward with all this.
He loves me, its a serious relationship but somehow I feel there is a lot missing.. at least for me.
Now in LDR we haven’t seen each other for 2 months, and its soo hardfor me, on the other hand he is all fine and that is not okay for me… I am either emotionally needy and want him to say all the sweet stuff or I am really cold and mean to him. Woth both it goes really bad, I try to explain to him my needs Nd where is the problem and he is always trying to show he is right in everything… we end up not getting to any point. I am really desperate, he says we re going to get through this but in such a cold way.. and he doesn’t give me the love and attention… no calls nothing.. I know he is loyal but I feel him so cold … and not willing to put any effort into giving me some attention or doing something sweet….
I am trying to keep myself busy, which makes me really cold towards him but thatt doesn’t seem to bother him in anyway… and its an unending cycle
In the future he wants to stay where he is and my future is to stay where I am… he loves me wants to be with me ‘forever’ but doesn’t talk to me about a future … And that already during the whole relationship, from the beginning, like we love each other, deepdown we know it might not work but we keep going
And i need this planning… i need the future talk to rassure me …
all he says is that everything will be ok
Anyway I really don’t know what to do, thinking 294838 times to finish everything while we are away… but I know I will regret it later… he is the kindest and the most caring man I ever had ( at least how he is in person) … I am so lost
Please help,
Best regards
Hi Alina!
You need to tell him exactly what you need to keep this LDR going honey. Tell him you want to at least face time with him once a week so that you two can see each other. I don’t think that’s too much to ask from him. If he tells you he wants to be with you forever then that is the future. He doesn’t plan the future because he lives for right now. That’s the way he is. This can keep going but you two have to definitely be on the same page. Tell him what you need and what you want. Don’t let it slip through the cracks. If you don’t tell him, he won’t know and things won’t change. If you need more help though, you can check out my book “Virgo Man Secrets”.
I’ve been dating a virgo man long distance relationship about 8months,I met him on a dating site,when we first met I never took him serious because I thought he won’t be serious with me,,,when we kept talking together I found that that he’s actually serious, what he told me at first was ‘he wants my to come over to his country to stay with him”. We kept on talking together on face time most times,,,he’s so calm and sometimes Is difficult to understand him, he told me to leave the Dating site and I exited the site,he has been caring ,always want to talk to me.lately he’s behavior changed,he always tell me that he’s busy at work bla bla bla and I’m becoming tired of all that excuses.well he’s still the first person to text me everyday but not giving me enough attention still like he use to before,I was worried I had to create another profile and check the dating which he told me he has exited and told me not to exit which I did and I found that he is active on the right now I don’t know if I should ask him why he’s still on the site or just continue talking to him not getting enough of he’s attention or just stop talking him and move on.I will be happy if I get a response thanks ma’am
HI Tonia!
I absolutely would ask him why he’s still on it if he’s asked you to leave it. Tell him it has to go both ways and be very fair for the two of you. Tell him if he expects you to be with him and move to where he is then he must also have respect enough to not keep looking at other women”. It’s as simple as that. Be honest with him. He needs you to. If you would like to know more about him, check out my book “Virgo Man Secrets”.
I have been dating a Virgo man for five months, lm an Aries woman. We met online. It hasn’t been easy, the constant arguments, the jealousy, mistrust has really destroyed our once romantic and passionate relationship. I feel like he’s too critical of me and he won’t give me a fair. Nowadays he ignores me and makes me feel unwanted, saying cruel things, not caring if he hurts me. Seems he is no longer interested and may have found someone else. But I still love him and have no desire to let him go.
Hi Butterfly!
That does sound like a difficult mixture. You’re both head strong and set in your beliefs which may be at odds. If you cannot find a way to communicate without it turning nasty then it will be very difficult to repair. Virgo men are critical, yes. What you may not know is that they are more critical of themselves than of anyone else. If he’s being that awful to you then do yourself a favor and find someone else who will treat you with love, respect, and a tender heart. Perhaps try a water sign (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio) or a fellow fire sign (Sagittarius, Leo). I know you love him but if he’s acting this way, he’s not going to change his behavior with you. You must make the hard decision of what is next for you. I wish you nothing but a happy fulfilled life with love.
I’m a Virgo man and I was in a long distance relationship with a Libra woman and things went wrong after 8 months. Jealousy got me, thinking that she’s flirting with another man while she’s at work, I screwed up.
Hi Angirson!
Ouch… you’re right… Virgo men let their minds go wild when a woman isn’t close at hand. Overanalyzing and letting fears kick in. I’m sorry to hear that things went badly between your Lady. I hope you’re able to repair things and tell her that you didn’t mean to do it and that you really still want her in your life. Give it a chance. I wish you the best!
Hi Anna I am in a LDR with a Virgo man for 11 months now. I met him via social media and at first he was calling me and texting me every day. I really have deep feelings for him and I love him very much. But lately it seems like his becoming detached it’s just short texts like I’m missing you, Hi love and so on. I have asked him about his behavior and he just said that he is busy which I know is a lie. Then there are days that he don’t even bother chatting to me. But when I don’t chat or reply to him he is quick to ask me if I am ignoring him. I am so confused at times with his behavior. He also makes me feel like I am not wanted. Then there is times that he can’t get enough of me by calling and texting. How can I make sense of his behavior. Please advise
Hi Adielah!
You need to address his change in behavior. He may not even realize it or because you haven’t said much, he could think it’s alright so he hasn’t changed it. Virgo needs to hear the truth of how you feel and what you want. If you don’t then he won’t make more effort and you’ll find yourself feeling more of the same. Tell him you feel unwanted. If he cares enough for you, he will do what he can to make sure he doesn’t lose you. You have to speak up though. Holding back isn’t helping. If you need more tips, check out my Virgo man books.
I’ve known this Virgo man for two years , we just started talking when I accepted my ex back and got pregnant immediately , not planned. My ex left but the Virgo man had a way of popping in and out randomly checking up on me via calls/text etc.
Recently we started talking more, video calls etc, now I’m in another country 6hours from him, he said he has a friend with benefit, he calls me most time and talk a lot. FaceTime to sleep all night and So on.
Today he mentioned the distance and that it’s dangerous to continue anything, does that mean he is not interested in me and I should move on or I should allow him decide? I really like him but I’m confused.
Hi Lola!
I think that what he said means he wants to stop what he has going on with you. I think moving on would probably be the best for you. He sounds like he’s not ready to settle down. Although if you really want to know for sure then ask him “what do you mean by it’s too dangerous to continue?”. He should tell you quite honestly what he means. Give it a try! Maybe it’s not what you think. I wish you all the best!
Was with a virgo man for a yr. The last 2 months in is when the bm was thrown in our mix. He had obligations to here of course. We are long distance and seen each other mid way at least 1x a wk…. I started to feel he was dated both of us. Sad part is i miss him so much and really hope one day he sees what our ldr meant and come back to me.
Hi Lala!
Virgo is a stickler for responsibility but that should have never taken away from your relationship. He can successfully take care of his business and still be in love with you. If you feel like he’s dating her as well then you could be right. I understand you miss him but he needs to figure out what the heck he wants because he can be an excellent father and still love someone at the same time. He doesn’t have to be with her (bm) at all. That’s on him. I hope you find what you’re looking for because you deserve the best!
I’m currently in a long distance relationship with a Virgo 2.5 years now. It’s was really good in the very beginning until now his soon to be ex wife move 15 mins away from him and it’s been issues every since. We share like locations and he seems to be over her house regularly. He’s tells me their in the process of getting a divorce but neither party is making a move toward it. They have a son together which he has his son full time. He never communicate with me regarding his soon to be ex wife he’s going to her house, whether it’s regarding their son, etc. It’s very hard for me to trust him because he not being totally transparent when come to his soon to be ex wife. I’m not seeing a future right now. Very slim chance.
Hi Sunni!
Something isn’t adding up here sweetheart. If he is spending so much time at his ex’s then there is a big red flag. There is no reason he should do that other than to co-parent. If it’s about their child then you have to be understanding but it sounds like to me one or both are trying to get back together. It’s hard for you to trust him because there is a big ole red flag. Perhaps you should give him some time and space to let him figure it out. In the meantime, please take care of yourself sweetheart. I wish you all the love you deserve!
I have been in an LDR with a Virgo man for 4 months now. And all of what you have written is true. He loves, loves, loves talking on the phone and video chatting. He also likes routine and consistency. Good thing we’re only 3.5 hour drive away. So when work permits on the weekend, we see each other often, probably a couple of times per month. There is a future plan for me to move where he lives, but again work still keeps him away 5 days out of the week. So in my opinion, it will still be like just visiting on the weekends. This frustrates me, whereas he seems excited about it. I am clingy and would like to actually ‘live’ with him since I’m making the sacrifice to move there with him and be with him. I would like to see him every day. Otherwise, what would be the point of me moving? I am trying to make it work, but I am not excited about the future move at all. There is a better-paying job involved in the move, but what is that with me just seeing him on the weekends? I try talking about it, but he just gets frustrated, sometimes angry, even.
Am satisfied for that article because it help me to know what I supposed to do to my virgo man.