Virgo Man Horoscope For December 2023

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
December 2023 horoscope for your Virgo man. Check out the monthly predictions for 2023! How is December going to treat your Virgo man?

Hello sweethearts, and a warm welcome to the December horoscope for a Virgo man.

Step into the enchanting realm of December festivities with open hearts. This is the season of merriment and celebration, where the world seems to slow down, inviting us to unwind and revel in joy.

Amidst the twinkling lights and the warmth of crackling fires, the spotlight turns to relationships. With more time spent with our partners, expectations soar.

For those flying solo, the potential for loneliness exists, yet it’s also a splendid opportunity to encounter new souls. Picture the mistletoe as a symbol of magic, ready to weave spells of good cheer, aromatic delights, and snug affection into our lives this December.

In the December love landscape, the Virgo man takes center stage with a penchant for amusement, playful banter, and an aversion to serious discussions. Diplomacy becomes his shield to avoid uncomfortable topics, preferring a carefree demeanor. His inclination towards fun, jokes, and merriment may, however, test the patience of a partner seeking deeper connection or empathy.

This month thrives for your Virgo man when you embody independence and embrace a carefree spirit. The more you can revel in light-hearted moments and maintain your self-sufficiency, the smoother the romantic journey. Yet caution arises if possessiveness takes hold, as Virgo man may navigate these waters with an air of detachment and insincerity.

Here’s what the stars have in store for a Virgo Man this December…

Mercury enters Capricorn On December 2nd, 2023

Mercury entering Capricorn indicates an exciting and playful time for a Virgo man; sometimes he’s a little bit highly strung, he’s definitely easily bored, and he’s looking for you to pique his interest.

Thus, this is a great time for getting out and about on the social scene, being more active in the sporting arena, or filling your weekends with cultural activities.

For married couples, this can be an excellent time to bond over doing things with the kids and encouraging their physical as well as mental development. It’s a great time for dating a Virgo man; he’s in the right frame of mind to get to know you; he’s quite receptive and communicative; and he’s a fairly good listener, which you can’t always say for a Virgo man as he’s easily distracted.

Venus enters Scorpio On December 5th, 2023

This marks the beginning of a positive phase romantically in that he’s playful and affectionate, and he’s open to suggestions. However, as Venus squares Pluto as it enters Scorpio, he’s often quite reactive to other people, who can bring out the best or the worst in him.

He’s quite stubborn and egotistical in his thinking, and he needs a lot of reassurance in love as he quickly backs off and becomes insincere as a defense if he’s challenged.

His ability to attract what he wants is strong at this time; he’s very persistent and persuasive, so he gets what he wants. Don’t let him get you wrapped around his little finger. Although he’s eager to enjoy life, he’s slightly cunning in his ways, so expect a few subtle games.

This is a fantastic time for date nights, invigorating the romantic element of your life, doing spontaneous things together, and basically being more imaginative about the way you communicate with each other. Virgo Man gets bored easily right now, so if there’s ever a time that he’s up for surprises and becoming a lot more spontaneous, this is it.

So you guys definitely need to be more experimental, more adventurous, and to take life and love by the scruff of the neck and enjoy them.

You may also want to readVenus Enters Scorpio 2023, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

New Moon in Sagittarius On December 13th, 2023

The New Moon indicates an excellent opportunity for addressing family issues—issues to do with property and children—and sometimes there’s a little bit of a balance to be struck between family life and his career.

So at the time of the New Moon, he may be feeling there’s a great deal of demands putting pressure on him from the career side, and if there’s a lot of pressure at home as well, he can feel caught between a rock and a hard place, so it’s important for you guys to embrace that period with some flexibility and understanding.

It’s also a time when he has to be quite tolerant, so do encourage him to be open-minded when it comes to the children and their independence, as well as when it comes to his parents.

Sometimes it’s better to encourage him to have a hands-off approach, as while he has a desire right now to be in control, his more authoritarian, controlling side is rearing its head, so it’s good to use humor to diffuse situations and to just encourage him to take a step back and not to be so actively involved in everyone’s business.

On December 13th, Mercury goes Retrograde in Capricorn

After the 13th, there’s a note of caution if you and a Virgo guy mainly interact online, as you have to be very careful in terms of the way you communicate because Mercury retrograde is a time that is usually rife with misunderstandings and miscommunications. It’s important to be direct, say what you mean, and mean what you say.

Romantic affairs aren’t really clicking, and there are some difficulties in seeing eye to eye; however, there’s nothing to worry about; it’s just the fact that the retrograde Mercury is creating some obstacles and some challenges, so patience is really required right now.

Respect is vital; you need to respect his boundaries and his point of view, and it’s not a good time to get into debates about heated issues. Try to be as laid-back as possible, and when you hang out, avoid doing things that invite contentious issues.

Themes for a Virgo Man this December…

It’s really a great idea to spend time with your good friends, enjoying life. It’s also a very good time to show your appreciation for each other and to make special little gifts. These don’t have to be costly, but they can be thoughtful gifts that you make yourself, whether baking a cake, writing a poem, or making a piece of music to reward each other.

It’s definitely a time for nostalgia and romantic communication between couples, so words matter.

Long-distance love and commuter relationships are especially exciting and tender.

Magic Motto: “Our love is made stronger through truth as well as a passion for life.”

Magic Text: “You are the magic in my Christmas cracker.


The new moon phase extends from the 12th of December to the 26th of December. This waxing phase is the perfect fortnight for new initiatives, setting plans, establishing goals, starting anything prospective, and being proactive.

Investing and money goals are lucky. This is a good time to purchase stock or new assets.

Long-term relationships get a boost. Property matters, home improvements, and entertaining family in your home are successful. This is a good time for businesses involved in tourism, catering, hospitality, and real estate.

Excellent for long-haul travel and international holidays. A positive time for advertising, publicity, and marketing.


This waxing phase is not ideal for spiritual or group activities. Networking, political activities, and joining new organizations are not generally advisable.

Mercury retrograde in Capricorn from the 13th indicates that from then on, new romance, internet dating, long-distance love, and novel social activities were not successful.

The retrograde phase is also not ideal for brand-new creative or artistic projects. Competitive activities and innovation are not successful.

December 2023 Horoscope for a Virgo Man

Week One: Say it and mean it

This is quite a passionate and potentially deep time in love. The problem, however, can be issues surrounding control bec
oming more noticeable. This certainly is a week where a Virgo man is seeking more stability and certainty through his relationships, and he’s more likely to be upset by any distance or coolness between you.

Thus, it’s very important for you to reinforce the relationship by showing you care in a practical manner while also showing him a lot of affection and one-on-one focused attention.

Don’t be superficial; don’t say things just for the sake of it. This is a time for positive communication, but being positive means that it should be constructive and honest, not just superficial or excessively diplomatic. This is not a time for people-pleasing, so rather say what you mean and mean what you say.

Week Two: Topping up his glass of optimism

Right now, he feels under a lot of pressure, but a lot of it is pressure that he’s putting on himself to reach higher standards and perform better. A Virgo man can lack confidence at times, and that’s definitely the case right now, so he definitely needs you to be telling him that he’s doing well, that he’s nailing it, and to help him maintain a positive frame of mind.

He’s highly likely to have doubts about things within work or his relationships, but this is particularly to do with his own performance; he has quite high standards for himself, which are not always realistic. He can have low emotional intelligence, so he needs you to help him be more aware of the reality of any situation, or he could see the glass as half full.

Because of his heightened sensitivity this week, he’s more susceptible to allergies, mood swings, and complaints that are difficult to define. Vague dissatisfaction may be symptomatic of a stressful environment, not only career-wise but often emotional as well.

However, making pragmatic changes is generally difficult for him during this period because he tends to have lower energy, at least for taking action. The key to getting the most out of your relationship is to let go of how you want things to be and accept them for how they are. Go with the flow.

Week Three: Run away Train

This has the potential to be quite an exuberant and exciting time for relationships with a Virgo man, but it’s important for you both not to exceed your limits. There is a slight danger of exaggeration or overoptimism right now.

In many cases, it’s time for you both to take a deep breath and a step back, because even though this is generally a very positive and quite an exciting transit for love, it’s often associated with a little bit of recklessness, and emotions tend to be like a runaway train.

A great week for putting energy into creative projects that highlight your natural strengths as a couple. It’s a good time to entertain, decorate, shop, and show a united front to people in your family and community. He’s more enthusiastic, generous, and positive in his dealings with other people; his confidence is returning, and he’ll enjoy having fun and even being in the limelight.

Week Four: Moving closer to his world

During the last week of the month, he is particularly assertive and dynamic; the animal within him is aroused, and he can be quite sexually spontaneous and outgoing. He’s very competitive, and this is an excellent week to encourage him to do anything that requires quite a lot of gumption and courage.

This is also a time when you, as a partner, should show him a lot of mettle. Don’t be a pushover; he’s likely to push your buttons and test your boundaries, but you need to stand up for yourself and say NO. He’s looking for strength in a partner, and saying no or pushing right back signifies a lot of strength.

New relationships can quickly grow into something significant over this week, as he’s eager to bond, and it’s important for him to welcome you into his inner circle.


This is a really good month for romance in both existing and new relationships, but it’s important not to be bland, as you don’t want your love life to be too vanilla.

Be daring, as this is an absolutely great time to do brand new activities together, to go places you haven’t been before, and to make new friends as a couple. Variety is the spice of life, so this is a time to ditch the stale old routines and anything clichéd, so allow yourselves off the leash.

A Virgo man does need a little bit of space to himself to unwind and de-stress, and therefore if he takes to the shed to do some DIY or use his punching bag, that’s quite normal for him because this time of year does become a little bit too intense for Virgo guy’s taste. He’s not generally a sentimental person who adores all the festivities that go with Christmas; he often finds Christmas time OTT and it makes him uncomfortable, and he can get a bit irritable, but a bit of time and space by himself should help him.

Now this is an ideal time for me to wish you all a very merry Christmas and to thank you for all your support throughout the year. I hope you have enjoyed these guides, and I would like to remind you all that our exciting 2024 guides for your Virgo man and for yourself (the 2024 women’s series) are ready to go along with the audio podcasts, so please keep checking back on the website.

Get Ready for 2024 With Your Virgo Man…

Ever experienced that unmistakable gut feeling? You know, that gentle nudge from your intuition, a subtle whisper of insights into your love life. It’s your inner compass trying to communicate in a language only you can comprehend.

And now, with the unveiling of Virgo Man 2024 Secrets, your intuition is about to get a megaphone.

This guide isn’t just a manual; it’s your personal translator for the cosmic messages your intuition sends your way…

Imagine having a direct conversation with the stars about your Virgo man and your love life, and receiving clear, actionable insights in return.

Curious about what makes “Virgo Man 2024 Secrets” extraordinary? Unlike traditional astrology, which dives into birth charts and generalities, this guide is your GPS for navigating specific questions:

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“Does he have plans that align with your shared future?”

“What does the cosmic forecast hold for your relationship?”

It’s like having a hotline to the Universe for decoding the mysteries of your Virgo man’s heart, month by month.

Ready to bridge the gap between your intuition and the cosmic roadmap for your love life?

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Wishing you cosmic love and radiant connections with your Virgo Man,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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