Romance Guide: How You Can Seduce A Virgo Man

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Are you hopelessly in love with a Virgo man but haven’t gotten him to take the plunge between the sheets yet? Learn how to seduce a Virgo man.

Are you hopelessly in love with a Virgo man but haven’t gotten him to take the plunge between the sheets yet? There are some things you can do to possibly seduce a Virgo man.

Remember Who He Is

To seduce a Virgo man you must know that he’s old school. He is the type of guy that wants to take things step-by-step to make sure that what he’s doing is right and the woman he chooses is the right one.

As frustrating as it can be sometimes; he may put sex on hold. It’s not that he’s trying to punish you, it’s just that he often associates sex with love. So he wants to make sure he knows for sure he’s in love before he does anything else.

It is true that sometimes he could fall into bed with someone quickly but it’s not likely someone he’ll then want to consider to be his wife or future partner. He expects integrity from the woman he wants to fall in love with.

If he hasn’t put out yet, he’s either trying to make sure you’re the one or that your integrity is in the right place. So as taxing as it may be, you may want to consider giving him the time he may require.

There are a vast few that may surprisingly know immediately what they want and when they find someone that matches this desire, he’ll go for it. He is very open with someone he feels IS the right one.

It will very much depend on who he is as a person and who you are as a person. He will let you know if he’s ready or not. If you feel that you may be getting close to getting to the point of finally giving into the throes of passion; by all means, give these tactics a whirl.

Make the Scene Look and Smell Amazing!

Lovely couple together - Virgo man romance guide

To seduce a Virgo man, take him to a clean environment that smells really nice. The best types of scents to use will be light and fresh ones like vanilla, lavender, or jasmine. These will be handy for his senses.

Try to burn these scented candles, incense or oil diffuser. Use whatever you’ve got that would fit this criterion. Trust me, he’ll love it. The man is a stickler for cleanliness.

If you plan on trying to lure him into bed; make sure all of your bedding is clean and organized. Put candles all around the room and make it look like a romance novel.

This will make him at the very least want to spend some time with you in there. It may not always work for sex but it will at least get you some intimacy of some kind that holds out promise for more.

Make sure you’ve showered and used some sort of smell good scent. This will drive him wild when he gets close to you. If possible, put some romantic type of music on to complete the romantic mood.

Of course, it may help well if you used the type of music HE finds romantic. That can vary based on his taste. If you’ve been paying attention to his likes though you’ll know what to put on to get his mojo going.

Cook Him a Nice Dinner

Not many men will turn down a home-cooked meal by their sweetheart especially if you know what you’re doing in the kitchen. If you are not the greatest cook you may want to order some fancy cuisine and put on dishes to serve him.

To seduce a Virgo man, your whole place should be clean and inviting; not just the bedroom. He feels best when he is surrounded by a comfortable environment. A gorgeous meal will put him at ease.

Pick something that he really likes to eat and go with that. He’ll find this very thoughtful and romantic. It will win you some brownie points for sure. In fact, let me share a little something with you.

My Romantic Technique

The couple kissing on the bed in a light room - Virgo man romance guide

One Virgo man I dated used to want to cook for ME often. So once he had me over and while he was in the kitchen cooking, I went and straightened up the bedroom. I secretly brought over some nice scented candles and rose petals. Setting up the mood is also a way to seduce a Virgo man.

I lit the candles all over the room and put the petals on the bed. Then I shuffled back out to him when he let me know dinner was ready. He asked me what I had been doing and I told him I was freshening myself up.

Unsuspecting, we sat down and ate this wonderful roast duck and potatoes he made. He was quite brilliant in the kitchen! Afterward, we shared a nice glass of red wine on the sofa.

It was a chilly night out so we agreed a fire would be nice. He lit it, we talked about our day and then started talking about our passions in life. I did a sneak attack kiss on him. I was afraid he would pull away but he didn’t.

I asked if we could go lay down in the bed because it would be more comfortable. He agreed and when we walked in there, he was floored by what I had set up. He grabbed me and passionately kissed me and that my friends, led us to the bed itself.

We heated that place up with our own fire. Of course, every Virgo man is different and he has to be comfortable with the level of security he has with you. Time frames vary.

Patience and Endurance

Clearly, you will need to fully understand your Virgo man to know what he needs and how long he may take. Romancing him can work but he has to actually really want it or it may flop.

I get how frustrating this can be but it doesn’t have to be all that bad. In fact, you can, Click here to learn more about how you can speak his language. 

Always stay positive and maintain your faith in what can happen for your future with your Virgo man. I hope this may help you gain some ground with him.

How did you manage to seduce a Virgo man?

Share your story (or situation) with our community in the comment section below (don’t worry, it’s anonymous).

Wishing you all the luck of the universe!

Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

4 thoughts on “Romance Guide: How You Can Seduce A Virgo Man

  1. I enjoy reading these articles, however, I have noticed that and read on many occasions that if a woman gets intimate with a man “too early” or is in a friends with benefits situation, somehow, he may or won’t take her seriously or see her as marriage material/the woman of his dreams. It is unbelievable to me that these outdated beliefs- that a woman who is feminine AND confident in her sexuality is somehow less than a woman who holds out for any man (under his rules and regulations). It is implied, that somehow she will be less valued respected or honored because she is a woman who happens to be confident in her sexuality. I would call her a goddess and if a man is going to judge her or put her in a “not marriage” material category because of this, then Virgo or not, he is not a man that can handle a real woman. I think that whether or not the article is trying to tap into the” truth”, it may negatively impact a woman by unintentionally shaming her or implying that she isn”t good enough for a Virgo man or any man. It’s 2020 ladies…….

    1. Hi Dr. Tamale!

      Not all male signs act like this when it comes to sleeping with a man early on. Virgo, Capricorn, and Taurus are old fashioned types that tend to be very picky about their women. Capricorn and Virgo (not all but many) tend to view a woman differently if she gives herself to him early on. It’s twisted yes but it does happen. The other thing is here is that these articles are generalized based on sun sign only. There is much more to an individual based on their birth charts. Everyone has all 12 signs in their chart and located in different positions just as the planets being in specific locations when they were born play a role in who they are. This is also why I have the books written for the ladies so they can also obtain one VIP consult with me about their personal situation as each is different. Thank you for chiming in though!

  2. Hi,

    I am a Scorpio sun with a Libra Venus and a Scorpio Mars. I have recently been talking to and been intimate with a Virgo sun man (leo cusp), I believe he is a Leo Venus and Virgo Mars.

    It happened rather quickly but it didn’t feel like it. The first time we hung out we spent the whole day together and had an instant connection and comfort. We were starting to get a little intimate at the end of the night and I stopped him and he was very sweet about it. We did end up sleeping together the next time we spent time together though. He did say he wanted to see me again after that time and he feels like someone I really want to continue to get to know and be with.

    I guess my only concern is reading so much about how virgos take things slow and worrying that maybe he doesn’t take this, or me, seriously. He does seem to be genuinely interested in me in a deep and intimate way outside of the physical, it just seems like a natural progression in our closeness. Though it happened soon for us, the progression of our time together made it feel nice and slow for some reason.

    Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated. I guess I’m just looking for validation that he may be looking to get serious with me eventually even though we were intimate quickly.

    1. Hi Worried Scorpio!

      Ok with a Virgo, you need to be totally transparent. Tell him exactly what you want, what you’re thinking, and where you’d like things to go with him. If you don’t, then he’s clueless and therefore doesn’t come to a conclusion as to what he wants either. Virgo has to be told. Reading into doesn’t work with him. Be blunt. Tell him you’d like more than just the physical aspect and that you’d like to get closer to him for bonding. Always tell him the truth in what you really want. He may not give you the answer you were looking for but at least you’ll know where he stands. Check out my books on “Virgo Man Secrets to learn more.

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