How to Attract a Virgo Man in December 2020

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
How to attract a Virgo man in December 2020? Draw the attention of a Virgo man or improve your relationship with one in December!

Every month the planets change signs and affect our relationships. Depending on the planetary movements, you may not always understand the needs and desires of the Virgo Man. 

However, there are simple things that you can do based on the monthly energy to improve your relationship with the Virgo Man. Find out how to attract a Virgo Man in December 2020.

Attracting a Virgo Man in December 2020

1. Give Him Space

After a busy month of juggling multiple details at once, the Virgo man is looking forward to a quiet (but festive) holiday season with the ones he loves. 

From December 1 until December 21, the adventurous Sun in Sagittarius will highlight the Virgo man’s fourth house of home, family, and emotional security. 

During this transit, the Sun in liberal Sagittarius encourages the Virgo man to seek relationships that support his values of freedom and emotional independence. He doesn’t want someone clingy and emotionally off balance. 

When the Sun is in opportunistic Sagittarius, the Virgo man wants someone genuine, honest, and self-sufficient.

He wants a woman whose home and family life are organized and well-kept, and someone who purposefully pursues her dreams.

One of the best ways to attract the Virgo man in December 2020 is to take care of yourself and make the most of your time when you are together. 

Rather than waiting by the phone for his call, the Virgo man wants you to live your life and show up in a good mood when you say you will. 

Although it may seem like giving him his space is the opposite of attraction, the Virgo man is turned off by possessive people. He feels like they have something to hide. 

Instead, the fourth house in Sagittarius means the Virgo man honors loyalty and the truth. He holds transparency and self-expression above all things. 

If you want to impress the Virgo man this month, relax. Plan fun dates and slowly introduce him to new environments. He will thank you in the long-run for respecting his space and opening his mind to new beliefs. 

Because Sagittarius rules international affairs and long-distance travel, it may be fun to plan holidays or your connection somewhere tropical and hot (Sagittarius). 

If you can’t travel physically, invite local activities to your home space. Be generous and surprise him with a luxury gift or treat. 

Perhaps you could do a themed cuisine for the holidays this year instead of the traditional feast. 

Whatever the case, let the Virgo man tell you his needs and follow his lead. 

2. Speak His Language

When it comes for the meticulous Virgo man in December 2020, details matter. 

From the clothes he wears to how he budgets his money; the Virgo man believes everything has its place. 

However, from December 1 until December 15, the Virgo man is more detail-oriented than usual. During this two-week period, Venus, the planet of love and beauty will transit through the obsessive sign of Scorpio, bringing a sense of determination and precision to how the Virgo man communicates his needs. 

Until December 15 (until Venus enters Sagittarius), Venus will highlight the Virgo man’s third house of communication and information. 

Because Venus is highlighting the Virgo man’s third house of intuitive Scorpio, the Virgo man is most attracted to women who speak his love language. 

For example, if the Virgo man is a big fisher, he will be most attracted during this time to someone who likes to fish. He won’t be eager to move outside his comfort zone. 

To help you attract a Virgo man while Venus is in Scorpio, listen to your intuition. If you’ve been around the Virgo man for a while, you should naturally know his do’s and don’ts — use that to your advantage.

If looking for ways to get to know each other, discovering each other’s unique love language is a beneficial and fun bonding idea. 

Not only does taking the love language test (you can simply Google the five love languages test), help you understand each other’s needs with more depth, it shows the Virgo man that you are loyal and committed to him. 

3. Set a New Foundation

Attracting a Virgo Man in December 2020

I know, starting over is not the most ideal thing to do at the end of the year, but sometimes it’s worth it in the long run if you have the right intentions. 

And I believe the Virgo man has the right intentions. 

Because on December 14, the New Moon in Sagittarius encourages the Virgo man to let go of the negative history of his past and set the foundation for an aligned emotional and romantic relationship. 

During this transit, the New Moon in Sagittarius will cast its shadow onto Virgo man’s fourth house of family and home, meaning there may be some changes to his living environment and family status too. 

Whatever the case, Sagittarius’ fiery influence reminds the Virgo man that it’s important to take risks and expose yourself to something new. 

If looking for ways to harness the potent energy of the New Moon and attract a Virgo man, support him on his mission to self-acceptance and emotional freedom. Do not interfere with his values but instead, uplift them. 

Use the New Moon in Sagittarius on December 14 as a tool to building an interdependent relationship based on honesty, authenticity, and two open-minded people willing to discover an aligned way to love. 

Some Virgo men are making a big move or finalizing a long-term break up or divorce. 

Regardless of your status, celebrate the change and commitment unfolding now. The Virgo man may be scared of what the future brings, but he’s ready for it — adventures and all!

Read next: 7 Ways to Get a Virgo Man to Ask You Out on a Date

Final Thoughts

If you want to move forward with a Virgo man in December 2020, I suggest giving him space, speaking his language, and setting a new foundation. 

If you do the suggested above, I’ve found that December 2020 is fortunate for the Virgo man and love. 

If you are serious about starting your journey to unconditional love with a Virgo Man, my guide Virgo Man Secrets is better than any daily, weekly, or monthly horoscope app you’ll ever read. 

Instead of just giving you the basic knowledge of the Virgo Man, I share real-life stories and examples of women who have been where you are and now have the relationship of their dreams.

In this intuitive guide, I’ll share with you my top secrets on winning the heart of the Virgo man. If you’re ready to stop chasing the Virgo man, purchase Virgo Man Secrets here.

After you’ve purchased my guide, Virgo Man Secrets, take the free love and compatibility quiz to find out if you and your Virgo man are a match.

Let me know your results in the comment section below.

I look forward to hearing from you. 

Your sister and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach 

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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