How To Attract A Virgo Man In July 2021

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
How to attract a Virgo man in July 2021? The planets change every month, and events in July might be significantly different then what you're expecting.

You may think Virgo is too much of a perfectionist and overly orderly for ‘go with the flow’ adaptable (and spiritual) water signs, free-spirited and optimistic fire signs, and open-minded and chameleon-like air signs. But Virgo is a feminine sign with many positive attributes, and this makes him naturally compatible with water and earth. While the Sun is in Cancer until the 22nd, you can find a lot of common ground, if you can connect with him on a subtle, kind, and emotionally mature level. Read on to find out how!

How To Attract A Virgo Man In July 2021

1. Gentleness Does It

Do not, I repeat do not, be harsh, cold, emotionally distant, superficial, or insensitive in any way. Cancer season is the most subtle, sensitive, compassionate, and emotionally balanced of the year. We’re all feeling compelled to let out inner empath and nurturing caregiver out to shine for the world to see. Virgo himself is loving the gentle vibe.

There are two key influences this month. One: Cancer is ruled by the planet of feelings, emotions, our inner world, and the subconscious mind, the Moon. This makes for an extra sensitive and emotionally intense, but mature and harmonious, month. Stay clear of drama and negative or pessimistic feelings because there is a pure alignment available.

You may be inclined to give into melancholy or even mild depression, and so will Virgo, but you can support and uplift each other providing for a wonderful new connection and fresh start. Be gentle. Be tactful and diplomatic. Show sensitivity and empathy and remember that we all deal with tricky or painful emotions at times. The Virgo man is looking for someone to connect with him in a subtle and emotional way this month, primarily.

If you’re someone who is scared of or has a reverence to depth and emotional bonding, you might want to work on this! At least if you’re planning to build something long-term and stable with the Virgo man.

Secondly, and something that relates directly to this: Cancer is ruled by the 4th house. This is the house of home, roots and the family, specifically ‘the mother.’ Have you made peace with your past, family, and childhood? Have you resolved any final wounds and traumas, and do you have a healthy relationship with your mother or female guardian? You should work on this before meeting this guy this month, because he will be exploring these themes himself.

2. Emotional Intelligence, Maturity, & Empathy

Tips To Attract A Virgo Man In July 2021

Emotional intelligence and maturity are essential until the 22nd. You can’t have these without empathy, of course. Alongside Pisces, Cancer is known as the “empath” of the Zodiac. The Cancer qualities are influencing us all, we’re feeling more impressionable, emotionally passionate, spiritual, dreamy and contemplative, imaginative and in tune with our nostalgic, sentimental, and subconscious selves. This is even more true if you’re an earth or water sign. This is actually a great month for Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces, anyone considered “soulmate” potential (so you may want to check out your compatibility!).

The opposite of emotional intelligence is a lack of awareness and empathy. The opposite of emotional maturity, or maturity in general, is being so disconnected from your bodily wisdom and senses and your higher mind that you become shallow, in-genuine and disregard other people’s feelings. This is something the fire signs have an issue with – particularly Aries and Sagittarius. So, be mindful of the natural clashes in astrology and what the Virgo man seeks in a partner.

Questions are favored this July, so ask him questions and pry a little. Find out information about his past, history, and home life that will help to enhance your connection. Emotional connection gives birth to psychological and spiritual connection while putting him at ease. When Virgo feels comfortable around you his body becomes less tense, and it is from here where real connection arises.

Be aware that Virgo suffers from stress and nervous tension more than any other sign. If you’ve mastered the art of making others feel at ease, safe to be around you and open up, you will notice how much all aspects of communication and authentic self-expression relax and amplify. Emotional sensitivity and empathy are key.

3. “Practical Creativity”

Virgo is a practical earth sign and Cancer is the water sign of ‘practical magic.’ Put the two together and we see a beautiful synergy and harmony. Actually, spiritual and mystical Pisces is Virgo’s opposite – meaning they are meant to find balance with one another and integrate the other’s qualities, but Cancer is very similar to Pisces.

The window of opportunity this month lies in your capacity to merge spirit with a grounded and realistic vibe… Can you inspire him and make him believe in fantasy, unicorns and unseen hidden realms, whilst helping him to feel grounded and secure in his own creative and imaginative talents?! There is a touch of magic, mystery, and fantasy available because Cancer is so dreamy.

Yet, Virgo will always be a practical and responsible earth sign at the start and end of each day. And, Virgo is ruled by Mercury which makes this man extremely analytical and methodological. So, your key for success is to help him, assist him in an imaginative expansive, open-minded, and gently loving way into unseen waters.

Remind him how much magic and sensuality there is when he takes a moment to disconnect from his duties, practical commitments, and intentions for money or success. If you’re the lady who can align him with his inner magician, his magical and artistic self, you will find a willing and magnetic man who is very open to you!

4. Expand His Mind… Speak To His Soul

Attracting A Virgo Man In July 2021

Mercury’s influence combined with Cancer’s sweet and caring characteristics opens a doorway to deeper aspects of his soul and psyche. He is craving some sweet and sensuous talk and conversation. He is more attracted to soft and even soothing but sexy and irresistible voices this month. Speak softly and with intention. Seduce him in a very, very non-obvious and genuine way.

Spiritual people realize that we all have a soul that connects us. This is an “invisible,” non-physical and “unseen” pat of ourselves which transcends the limits and structures of physical reality. Cancer is aware of our souls more than most! And, because Virgo’s opposite sign is Pisces it is part of the Virgo man’s destiny or life purpose to recognize and integrate the existence (and power) of his soul, and all of the spiritual, psychic and intuitive gifts and wisdom that accompany.

Expand his mind and stimulate or seduce his soul simultaneously. Essentially, the trick or secret to doing this is to speak gently – there’s not really much more to it. But you must have a magnetic and feminine flair and integrated core nature to you to be able to do this. If you don’t and this piece of advice is lost on you appeal to his Mercury side, connect mentally, intellectually, and psychologically to then discover a spiritual and emotional connection.

There are many paths back to the self…. While the Sun’s in Cancer, it’s just important that you recognize this and attempt to create a bond. Don’t waste this opportunity.

5. Be A Bit Quirky

Surprisingly, this is one of those rare months where Virgo’s goofy and quirky side comes out to play. Usually serious minded and totally practical or domestic, Cancer brings out Virgo’s silly and playful side. You now know that Cancer is extremely creative and imaginative, but one thing that hasn’t been shared yet is how playful they are.

The 4th house link brings an aspect of wanting to let our inner child out to play. This is what happens when we’ve found and integrated emotional maturity and intelligence, we then realize that life is about balance and that we have an inner child that longs to be free. Cancer is surprisingly a bit of a wild woman!

Virgo is known as the ‘Virgin’ in Astrology; however, they are also the sacred priests and priestesses who love to engage in sexual play. They have a wild side too just like Cancer. Whether you’re getting your flirt on or being wholly innocent and liberated in self-expression, you can bring immense joy and passion into his life and remind him of the power of play. Use the window of the 22nd onwards when the Sun enters Leo, followed by the Aquarius Full Moon, to do so.

Read next: 5 Shocking Things Every Virgo Man Wants

Final Thoughts & Key Astrological Transits

Overall, this is a positive month for love, but be aware that Virgo suffers from stress and nervous tension more than any other sign.

If you’ve mastered the art of making others feel at ease, safe to be around you and open up, you will notice how much all aspects of communication and authentic self-expression relax and amplify. Emotional sensitivity and empathy are key…

Check out the Virgo man secrets to discover more! And if you want full insight and personal guidance on your relationship with this practical Virgo guy, you can book your private consultation right here!

Wishing you light, love, and all the luck in the Universe on your journey!

Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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